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March 18, 2013

Buying or Selling a Home

Where to Get More Information

Nearly every state has federal information centers where information on federal services, programs, and regulations is available to consumers. Check the government pages of your local telephone directory for the office nearest you. The local library also can be a good source of helpful, free information. Various nonprofit agencies, such as the Better Business Bureau offices, can help you get more information on your legal rights and obligations in buying and selling a home. Look in your local telephone directory for the BBB office nearest to you.

(Clicking on links below will launch a new browser window.)

The federal government publishes a listing of many free or low-cost pamphlets on home ownership and home buying. This listing can be obtained from the Federal Consumer Information Center - 4B, P.O. Box 100, Pueblo, CO 81002; telephone (719) 948-3334.

For information on HUD programs, contact the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Library and Information Services, 451 Seventh Street, SW, Room 8141 Washington, DC 20410. Telephone: (202) 708-1422. This information also may be available at some local HUD offices. Or check out HUD's Consumer Information website.

Home-Made Money: A Consumer’s Guide to Home Equity Conversion is available from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), AARP Fulfillment, Home-made Money, Department BHG, 1909 K Street, NW, Washington DC 20049.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is an excellent source of information on tax questions relating to owning a home. Its national toll free number is 1-800-829-3676. Its tele-tax service has recorded tax information on 140 topics. You can find the toll-free phone number for your state by calling the IRS office in your area. Topics include the sale of a home, reporting gains from home sales, installment plans, and exclusion of gain for people aged 55 or older.

The IRS also publishes several free pamphlets dealing with common tax questions. These include: Real Estate Taxes (Publication 530), Limits on Home Mortgage Interest Deductions (Publication 936), and Tax Information on Selling Your Home (Publication 523).

Home Buyer's Information Center -- Includes more information on topics such as finding a mortgage, finding and using an agent, inspections, etc.

Main subject areas for the "Buying or Selling a Home" section are linked at the bottom of this page.

Practical Law Home | Buying or Selling a Home | Basics of Buying a Home
Basics of Selling a Home | Why Real Estate Is Covered By Special Laws | Real Estate Brokers
The Purchase Contract | Financing a Home Purchase | The Closing | The Fair Housing Act
Where to Get More Information