Real Estate Brokers
Is the real estate agent liable if a potential buyer steals something from my home?
Unless the agent showing your home was negligent, such as giving your house keys to a buyer, it's unlikely that he or she is responsible for thefts. Sellers should take the precaution of securing small, valuable items. If your agent wants to use a lock box, which allows agents access to keys to your home, make sure the agent uses an electronic lock box. Unlike a manual lock box, an electronic lock box gives a printed record of all the agents who have shown the home. This deters any agent who might be unscrupulous.
>>What is the real estate agent's role in a home sale?
>>What is the role of the seller's agents?
>>What is the listing agreement?
>>What fee will I pay on the sale of my home?
>>What other terms in the listing agreement are negotiable?
>>What legal protection do I have after signing a listing agreement?
>>Is the real estate agent liable if a potential buyer steals something from my home?
>>What can I do if my real estate firm doesn't seem to be working very hard to sell my home?
>>What is the fee relationship with a buyer's agent?
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*Real Estate Brokers*
The Purchase Contract |
Financing a Home Purchase |
The Closing |
The Fair Housing Act
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