Real Estate Brokers
What fee will I pay on the sale of my home?
Typically, real estate firms charge 5 to 7 percent of the sale price. On some higher-priced homes, a firm may charge the full commission on the first $100,000 or $200,000 and a lower percentage of any amount above that price. If the agency that lists the home is also the agency that sells it, the commission is shared by the agency and the individual agent who actually handled the sale. If the listing firm and the selling firm are different, the commission is shared by the two firms.
Keep in mind that all commission agreements are negotiable, particularly in a seller's market.
>>What is the real estate agent's role in a home sale?
>>What is the role of the seller's agents?
>>What is the listing agreement?
>>What fee will I pay on the sale of my home?
>>What other terms in the listing agreement are negotiable?
>>What legal protection do I have after signing a listing agreement?
>>Is the real estate agent liable if a potential buyer steals something from my home?
>>What can I do if my real estate firm doesn't seem to be working very hard to sell my home?
>>What is the fee relationship with a buyer's agent?
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Why Real Estate Is Covered By Special Laws |
*Real Estate Brokers*
The Purchase Contract |
Financing a Home Purchase |
The Closing |
The Fair Housing Act
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