Where Can I Go for Help?
Where can I get more information about domestic violence services and resources?
A national information and referral center is the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, www.ncadv.org or 303-839-1852. The National Coalition maintains a listing of state coalitions against domestic violence that can be accessed from their Web site. You can also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-787-3224 TTD for immediate help. There may also be a local hotline number in your area, which you can get by calling 1-800-799-SAFE.
Many communities offer shelters for battered women and their children. Details on these shelters are available from the police, crisis intervention services, hospitals, churches, family or conciliation courts, departments of health and human services, or women's organizations such as the local or state chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW).
Other websites with good information/resource links include the following: (Clicking on the following will launch new browser windows.)
- The Family Violence Prevention Fund -- non-profit organization that focuses on domestic violence education, prevention and public policy reform.
- Domestic Violence Handbook -- online version of the book created through the efforts of the Oakland County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (in Michigan).
>>What should I do in a crisis situation?
>>Where can I find a lawyer?
>>Where can I get more information about domestic violence services and resources?
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*Where Can I Go for Help?*