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September 12, 2012

Child Custody and Support

Deciding Factors in Awarding Child Custody

Are mothers or fathers more likely to be awarded custody?

Until the mid-1800s, fathers were favored for custody in the event of a divorce because children were viewed as property, similar to the farm or family business when a couple divorced. Around 1850, most states switched to following the Tender Years Doctrine or a strong preference for the mother unless there was something very wrong with her, such as mental illness, alcoholism, or an abusive relationship with her child.

Under the current law of almost all states, mothers and fathers have an equal right to custody. Courts are not supposed to assume that a child is automatically better off with either parent. In a contested custody case, both the father and mother have an equal burden of proving to the court that it is in the best interest of the child that the child be in his or her custody.

In some states, courts say that mothers and fathers are to be considered equally, but have held that it is permissible to consider the age or sex of the child when deciding custody. That usually translates to a preference for mothers if the child is young or female, although it is possible for fathers in these states to gain custody, even when the mother is fit.

>>What are the main child custody options?
>>Are mothers or fathers more likely to be awarded custody?
>>Is the child’s preference for one parent or another considered?
>>What happens when one parent tries to undermine the child’s relationship with other parent?
>>What if a parent is having nonmarital sexual relations?
>>Can gay parents be awarded custody?

Practical Law Home | Child Custody & Support Home | *Deciding Factors in Awarding Child Custody*
Issues Surrounding Visitation | Setting Guidelines for Child Support
Adjusting Child Custody Arrangements or the Amount of Child Support