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March 18, 2013

The Law and Your Home

Remodeling and the Law

What should I watch out for when the job begins?

Be sure to keep a handle on the documents that can help you avoid problems later. In consultation with your contractor, draw up a schedule of what will be done when, and make sure this is followed. If you don't have the wiring inspected before the drywall goes up, for example, the inspector may require you to tear out the drywall.

Contractors report that their biggest problems with homeowners arise because owners request additional work along the way, then object when they see the bill. The best way to avoid misunderstanding is with a specific change order. This document, signed by both parties and added to the original contract, specifies the additional work to be done, the materials, and any change in the schedule. For a large project, type up and duplicate blank change-order forms to fill out as you need them.

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>>What should the contract include?
>>What should I watch out for when the job begins?
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