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March 18, 2013

The Law and Your Business

Securing Capital

You can’t begin a business without at least some start-up money. If you can come up with enough from your savings, that’s all well and good, but many of us will need help from others—and the law is deeply involved in all these arrangements.

Click on the links below for more information on this particular subject area. Main subject areas for "The Law & Your Business" section are linked at the bottom of these pages.

What are some ways of securing capital?

How about using my home equity to get funds?

What are the legal considerations in getting loans from family and friends?

What is a promissory note?

What are some legal considerations in loans from financial institutions?

What about my spouse’s assets?

Are government loans available?

What about help for women and minorities?

What are the legal considerations in getting contributions from others?

Legally, what’s the difference between active investors and passive investors?

What if I want to have “passive" co-owners?

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