Family Legal Guide
This book will enable you to gain a greater understanding of the rights and responsibilities of people who are married, divorced, or living together. It could also help you work with others (including your attorney) to resolve disputes and plan for the future.
Family law, also known as matrimonial law or the law of domestic relations, often involves a great deal of stress. When people need information on family law, it is usually because they are going through—or considering—significant changes in their lives, such as divorce or separation. Other types of family law, including requirements for getting married and adopting a child, are associated with happier events, but have their share of stresses too. Knowledge of the law does not eliminate all the anxieties that may accompany a legal issue, but it is a step in the right direction.
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Ch. 1: When and How to Use a Lawyer
Ch. 2: How the Legal System Works
Ch. 3: Family Law
Ch. 4: Buying and Selling a Home
Ch. 5: Home Ownership
Ch. 6: Adoption
Ch. 7: Consumer Credit
Ch. 8: Consumer Bankruptcy
Ch. 9: Contracts and Consumer Law
Ch. 10: Automobiles
Ch. 11: Child Support
Ch. 12: Forming and Operating a Small Business
Ch. 13: Personal Injury
Ch. 14: Criminal Justice
Ch. 15: The Rights of Older Americans