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March 18, 2013

Consumer Law

Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) and the Law

If you don’t save them, should you be careful of how you dispose transaction slips?

Yes. Leave ATM slips you don't want to keep at the site only if there is a deep, completely secure place to toss them—ideally, after you've torn them thoroughly. Otherwise take them with you. It's no one's business how much money is in your account, or for that matter that you have "insufficient funds for the requested transaction." And some receipts also contain your account number and other numbers from which clever techno-thiefs can "clone" your card.

>>How can you find out about ATM fees?
>>What fees are unreasonable?
>>What fees are reasonable?
>>Do you have a contract with your ATM issuer?
>>How can you safeguard yourself in making ATM deposits?
>>How can you make your ATM transactions secure?
>>How carefully should you guard your PIN?
>>Should you save the receipts of each transaction?
>>If you don’t save them, should you be careful of how you dispose transaction slips?
>>What happens when you leave your card in the ATM?

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