Using PREVIEW in the Classroom
A current case before the Court is featured each month along with a modified case study and focus questions for classroom use.
A Zoom webinar exploring the upcoming term of the Court which is shaping up to be another blockbuster. Sponsored by the WCL Program on Law & Government and the American Bar Association Division for Public Education.
Register - September 28, 2023 12-1:30pm ETA current case before the Court is featured each month along with a modified case study and focus questions for classroom use.
Join our Supreme Court experts to go behind some of the headline cases from this term including the DACA case, the Title VII same-sex/transgender cases and other landmark rulings. This virtual conversation highlighted several of the big cases from 2020’s SCOTUS term as our experts discussed the specific legal context and larger significance of the featured cases.
Subscribers receive via e-mail an interactive PDF before each oral argument session with expert analysis of each case to be argued. Preview contributors include noted law professors, attorneys, and court journalists. A subscription includes seven Preview issues coinciding with the Court's seven oral argument sessions and our annual Term-end wrap-up edition.
Division for Public Education