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November 11, 2020

Virtual Federal Courts Professional Development

Join us on November 9th at 7:30pm ET and November 16th at 7:30pm ET to learn more about using federal trials to address political and social issues in the classroom. These cases explore challenges from school children and their families objecting to flag salute laws in the 1930s and 40s challenge and then the judiciary’s changing approach to the Constitution’s protection of freedom of conscience.

Scholar Session:  

  • Professor Christopher Capozzola, MIT Professor of History

Teacher Demonstration Session: November 16th at 7:30pm ET

  • Sunshine Cavalluzzi, El Dorado (CA) High School
  • Shoshana Adams,  Valhalla (CA) High School

Register here>>

Scholar Session:

  • Professor Christopher Capozzola, MIT Professor of History