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February 05, 2025

Information for Exhibitors

<p><img src="/content/dam/aba/images/public_education/nlre2018/higher-res-nrle-2018-banner.png"></p>


Exhibitors are welcome at the 2018 National Law-Related Education Conference. Exhibit registration to the conference includes:

  • Full conference registration for one representative
  • 6' table (approximately) with two chairs, for sharing of resources
  • Basic linens for the table
  • Access to wifi, electrical outlets, and trash
  • Dedicated time with conference participants built into the agenda
  • Mentions in conference materials, as appropriate

Preliminary Exhibitor Schedule

Thursday, September 20

7:30-9:00 a.m. Exhibitor set-up
8:00-9:00 a.m. Contental Breakfast with exhibitors, exhibits open
1:45-2:45 p.m. Networking and exhibitor time
4:00 p.m. Exhibits close

Friday, September 21

8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast with exhibitors, exhibits open
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Networking and exhibitor time
3:00 pm. Exhibits close

Download a draft conference agenda.

Exhibitor Registration

All exhibitors must register for the conference

Exhibitor registration is $300 (Full conference $250 +$50). Traffic at the 2018 National Law-Related Education Conference is quite connected to the conference agenda, so it is easy to exhibit as a conference participant. 

If an exhibitor wishes to exhibit only, and not participate in the conference. there is a registration option ($150) available. 

Additional Notes

  • Exhibitors must register by September 14. Cancellations after August 22 will incur a $50 cancellation fee.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for shipping their own materials to and from the conference. Shipping information will be provided in advance of the conference.
  • Exhibitors are encouraged to attend sessions during the conference, but must take precautions to secure materials at their table, if necessary.
  • Exhibits should be set up by 9:00 am on Thursday, September 20, and must be taken down by 6:00 pm on Friday, September 21. The ABA is not responsible for exhibit set-up or tear-down.

Please contact if you have additional questions.