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July 30, 2019

Classroom Resources

  • School-wide assemblies or programs with school organizations like the PTA or library
    • These can take many forms, including panel discussions with local candidates for office, presentations from local advocates for gender equality or voting rights
  • Get out the vote programs
    • Contact your local chapter of the League of Women Voters for information on how to coordinate a get out the vote campaign with students in your area
  • Students as Election Judges
    • Mikva Challenge empowers students to take part in real-life democratic activities, including serving as election judges.
  • Contest
    • Spark students’ interest in the 19th Amendment by facilitating an essay, poster, video, or journalism contest.
    • Topics you may ask students to explore:
      • What does the vote mean to you?
      • What does equality mean to you?
      • How can we ensure full suffrage for all citizens?
    • Information on setting up a YouTube contest>>