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May 02, 2022

Tips and Example Questions

  • Start with Introductions.

PARTICIPANT 1: My name is (name). I am (age) years old. Today is (date), and I’m speaking with (partner’s name), who is my (relationship). I am recording this interview in (place, city, state; e.g., “my home in Nome, Alaska”).

PARTICIPANT 2: My name is (name). I am (age) years old. Today is (date), and I’m speaking with (partner’s name), who is my (relationship). I am recording this interview in (place, city, state; e.g., “my home in Nome, Alaska”).

  • Introduce the reflection or conversation. “Today, we’re talking about the 2021 Law Day theme: Advancing the Rule of Law Now,” or “I see the Law Day theme this year is Advancing the Rule of Law Now, and I want to talk about it,” or even “Rule of law, huh?”
  • Ask questions, see where discussion goes, grapple with concepts and experiences. These are examples; feel free to develop and respond to your own questions.
  1. What do you think about when you hear “rule of law?”
  2. What does the “rule of law” mean or look like to you?
  3. If you think about “advancing the rule of law now,” what comes to your mind?
  4. What is an example of something that could help to “advance” the rule of law now?
  5. What is a challenge facing the rule of law today?
  6. Do you have personal experiences related to this?
  7. How has living through that, or this time, made you feel or shaped you?
  8. How do you think the law might help to effect change?
  9. Are there ways that you are working or supporting changes?
  10. What events of the past year stand out to you related to the Law Day theme? Why?
  11. What do you think the rule of law means to our country?
  12. Has that meaning changed over time?
  13. What do you do to maintain or advance the rule of law?
  14. Is there someone who you admire as an upholder of the rule of law? 
  15. Do you have a vision for the future relative to the rule of law?
  • Wrap up with a final message, or goodbye. Thank everyone for participating.

(Source: StoryCorps Great Questions)