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January 26, 2025

Have a Conversation About the Law Day Theme

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The Law Day theme, Advancing the Rule of Law Now, offers opportunities for dialogue, learning, and sharing across a variety of audiences. In our modern and virtual world, when so many of us can record our thoughts from a smartphone, it is easier than ever to express yourself. Join a national virtual conversation about advancing the rule of law now by submitting your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives on what the Law Day theme means to you. Whether you have an idea for a short video, song, poem, or hope to have a heartfelt conversation with family, friends, or colleagues, it is all welcome this Law Day.

What to contribute:

There are two ways to join the national Law Day conversation:

Reflections are you talking about an aspect of the Law Day theme, and what it means to you, your experiences, or how you’re working to advance the rule of law now. Record one to share.

Go bigger and record a conversation. Conversations involve you and one or more persons discussing aspects of the Law Day theme or any of the subthemes. Conversation partners could be family members, friends, colleagues, anyone that you think would contribute to a meaningful discussion on the topic.

What happens next:

Your reflection or conversation could be featured at, or on #lawday-related social media. Simply submit your reflection or conversation to [email protected], complete the requisite release form, and you’re done.

The ABA will feature reflections and conversations through June 30, 2021.

How to participate:

1.     Make a plan.

Plan what you’re going to talk about, how, and any conversation partners.

2.     Figure out the technical aspects.

Figure out how you will conduct and record your conversation. Use videoconferencing, StoryCorps, TikTok, video on your phone. Plan a quiet place and time for the reflection or conversation recording.

3.     Plot your reflection or conversation.

Think about what you will say, if recording a reflection. Figure out questions ahead of time for a conversation. Feel free to use any example questions to prompt or spur discussion.

Identify priorities, think in terms of stories and vivid examples. Reflections and conversations may be as short or long as desired, but an ideal range is 1-5 minutes for reflections, and 15-40 minutes for conversations.

4.     Record the reflection or conversation.

Make sure everyone understands that you’re recording the conversation as part of a national conversation for Law Day. Speak clearly and directly and follow your plan. Relax and be yourself. Allow everyone involved time to answer questions.

5.     Process and share the recording.

If your recording requires an edit, do that. Ensure that the recording is clear and recorded as planned. Name the recording file with your name and something you will remember, like “Law Day conversation.” (If you’re using StoryCorps, they ask for photo, names, and keywords. Use keywords LawDay and ruleoflaw in addition to any others you identify.)

Email the recording and to [email protected]. Or use #LawDay to tag it on social media. Remember to complete a release form to give permission to the American Bar Association to use your recording.

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