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November 08, 2017

2017 Outstanding Award Winners

Best Student Program

Orange County Bar Association (OCBA)

The OCBA engaged students in the history, purpose, and impact of the 14th Amendment. The array of programming hosted for young people included: a Teach-In, where lawyers visited classrooms to discuss citizenship, equal protection, and the importance of the 14th Amendment; 5K Medal Contest, which got youth involved in a community-wide activity to design the winning medal; Poster and Speech Contests, where the student winners recited their speech at the Liberty Bell Awards Luncheon; Big Bad Wolf Mock Trials for elementary school students, and DUI Mock Trials for high schoolers; Pathways in Law and Judge Shadowing, which provided underserved high school students the opportunity to interact with legal professionals and better understand the rule of law; and a Naturalization Ceremony, where area Girl Scout troops were able to assist. High school juniors in the local districts viewed the DUI mock trial, due to the partnership with the Orange County Public Schools. View a synopsis of all the OCBA Law Day activities.

Best Public Program

Friends of City Heights Library

A collaboration of over 20 municipal, educational, community service, and nonprofit organizations produced diverse activities that engaged a wide audience at the City Heights Library. More than 40 volunteer attorneys participated in presentations and free consultations for the community during a day of counseling and teaching on a range of legal topics. One panel focused on the 14th Amendment and how San Diego promotes and protects the rights guaranteed by the amendment. A town hall led by local officials provided information on how the audience could protect their rights if confronted by immigration and customs enforcement or the police. Students were involved in a Careers in Law discussion, encouraging interest in different legal careers and showing what a day is like in the respective roles. Mentoring opportunities were set up with students, as well as a Networking at City Heights function that brought together job seekers and prospective employers. Court-certified interpreters volunteered throughout the day to translate the presentations. Free pocket U.S. Constitutions and Know Your Rights cards were given to the more than 1,135 participants.

Best Theme Interpretation

Utah State Bar

Utah State Bar’s Law Day programming focused on activities such as a 16-page Law Day special edition in two Salt Lake City daily papers; an art contest; mock trials; an awards luncheon for lawyers and nonlawyers, which involved area youth; a 5K run/walk that raised $45,000 for access-to-justice programs; and a panel discussion on the 14th Amendment. Utah State Bar had a unique approach to informing the public about the 14th Amendment and its enduring relevance today. They commandeered newspapers and used social media and broadcast media to advertise the print campaign. The Law Day special edition was circulated in over 500,000 papers. To enhance readership, 14th Amendment op-eds were run in conjunction with the edition, and five quarter-page ads, which portrayed a different element of the 14th Amendment, directed people to the special edition spread. Area courts also ran a full-page ad in each paper, which educated readers on the rule of law. The ads were devised to be educational standalone tools of information. All facets of the campaign pointed to supplemental content on the bar’s website.