Preview of US Supreme Court Cases
Preview provides expert, plain language analysis of all cases given plenary review by the Supreme Court. Written by experts for everyone.
The Constitution enshrines our collective responsibility to one another, and the 2025 Law Day themes urges us to take pride in a Constitution that bridges our differences to bring us together as united nation. Our civic lives tie us together as one “We,” whether through legislative efforts that serve the common good, through military service, or by working together, every day, to fulfill the promise of E pluribus unum, or Out of many, one.
Click here to - Visit Lawday.orgThis video series aims to improve the civic knowledge of active service members of the military. The videos and resources were developed by the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security in collaboration with the ABA Division for Public Education. It was funded by the Leonore Annenberg Civic Mission of the Nation Initiative, which is sponsored by the Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics (LAIC). LAIC is project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.
Click here to - Watch the seriesThe Division fulfills its mission to advance public understanding of law and society in three ways: educating the public about civic responsibilities, the law, the courts, and the legal system; empowering teachers by providing resources that incorporate law and civics into K-12 curricula; and engaging students through thought-provoking resources and learning experiences to broaden understanding of law and government.
The Supreme Court plays a critical role in protecting American democracy. The ABA is committed to educating the public about how the Court works, engaging lawyers with professional development resources, and providing context on notable cases that could have a lasting impact on society.
Learn - MoreThe Division for Public Education coordinates annual events that celebrate and promote public awareness of the law, such as Law Day and the Silver Gavel Awards. We also offer civic education resources and programs for students and teachers, which include: Summer Institute for Teachers, Civics and Law Academy, and the National LRE Conference.
The Teacher's Portal is designed to help teacher's educate their students about the law. These resources were developed by the ABA Division for Public Education. They include lessons plans, programs, publications and information on professional development.
Visit the - Teacher PortalThe Division works with various courts and legal organizations to provide enriching professional development opportunities for middle and high school teachers seeking to engage students in the workings of the courts, landmark case studies, and the rule of law.
Click Here for - More InfoGenerous donor support provides valuable tools to educate, empower, and engage the public to promote understanding of law and its vital role in our society.
Download your free copy of the ABA’s Cornerstones of Democracy Conversation Guide to learn how to engage members in your community in civil conversations on critical issues.
Download - Conversation GuideThe nation’s founders created the judiciary as an independent, co-equal branch of government to ensure it is protected from outside political influences. The ABA is committed to upholding the Constitution, the judicial process and equal justice under the law.
Read more about - Independent JudiciaryPreview provides expert, plain language analysis of all cases given plenary review by the Supreme Court. Written by experts for everyone.
Law Matters is the Division's monthly electronic newsletter. Each issue reports on developments, ideas, programs, events, and resources in the field of law-related education (LRE).
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The rule of law is a set of principles, or ideals, for ensuring an orderly and just society. Many countries throughout the world strive to uphold the rule of law where no one is above the law, everyone is treated equally under the law, everyone is held accountable to the same laws, there are clear and fair processes for enforcing laws, there is an independent judiciary, and human rights are guaranteed for all.
Read more about - Rule of LawDo you have questions about legal matters that occur in everyday life? The Public Portal will walk you through a number of legal matters that occur in everyday life. Take advantage of the legal FAQ's, publications and The Law Issues for Consumers.
The Teacher's Portal is designed to help teacher's educate their students about the law. These resources were developed by the ABA Division for Public Education. They include lessons plans, programs, publications and information on professional development.
The Advance Portal features content and resources designed for Lawyers, Judges and other Legal Professionals.
ABA Legal Fact Check seeks to help the media and public find dependable answers and explanations to sometimes confusing legal questions and issues. It is produced by the ABA Media Relations and Strategic Communications Division and emphasizes case and statutory law and other legal precedents to separate legal fact from fiction. Each ABA Legal Fact Check is routinely reviewed by subject-matter experts prior to release, and does not represent official policies or positions of the American Bar Association, its Board of Governors, or its House of Delegates.
Public Education staff is available to provide you with the resources you need to help further public understanding of the rule of law. Simply email us at [email protected], call 312.988.5735, or click on the link to contact our Committees or staff.