It’s been a distinct honor and a great joy serving as Section Chair. I’m happy about what the Section has accomplished. You may recall the overarching themes I identified for the year, focusing on membership, engagement, and sustainability. I’m pleased to report that the Section has made important strides in all three areas and set us on the path for additional growth.
Membership Officer Brad Jorgenson led Special Working Groups that developed specific strategies to address the needs of our various member groups. In addition to adopting some basic “blocking and tackling” processes to support our membership goals, Section leadership updated our approach to programming to tap into the growing enthusiasm for more in-person meetings from among members from the government, in-house positions, and private practice, while also offering meaningful ways to interact virtually with procurement professionals around the country.
In previous issues of The Procurement Lawyer, I’ve highlighted the important work of our Section committees, which offer Section members a multitude of meetings delivering a wide range of substantive content on hot topic issues, opportunities for contributing to Section publications and comment letters, as well as good old-fashioned networking. The Procurement Lawyer, under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief David Gallacher and Executive Editors Alex Canizares, Taylor Menlove, and Phil Seckman, has expanded its offerings to include a Committee Spotlight feature in each issue, highlighting committee activities, recent and upcoming committee meeting topics, and the interesting work of the committee members.
We’ve also hosted outstanding conferences this year, beginning with the Fall Procurement Symposium in New Orleans, which offered excellent programming and attracted numerous first-time attendees, including Jan Byok, our new friend from Germany. The great success of our 30th annual Federal Procurement Institute (FPI) was reflected in the hard work of the FPI conference planning team, the 300 attendees, and the excitement and enthusiasm at each of our conference networking events. In May, we also enjoyed our second annual Committee Showcase that featured dynamic panel presentations from our Bid Protest Committee, Contract Claims and Disputes Resolution Committee, and Procurement Fraud and False Claims Committee, and offered a great opportunity for government, in-house, and private practice attorneys to learn and network together. The Section appreciates the support and generosity of Hogan Lovells, Stacy Hadeka, and Bill Ferreira for hosting the programming and networking reception at their DC office. I’m confident that the Committee Showcase will continue to be part of Section programming for years to come. And now we’re on the cusp of another great Annual Meeting in Chicago, with excellent substantive content and more opportunities to spend time together with old and new friends alike.
While it may not always be overt and obvious, the Section has made several operational changes designed to improve and manage our resources, including efficiencies that will lead to bigger payoffs for today’s environment. In each case, Section leadership is dedicated to identifying the right balance between tradition and innovation, all in the name of sustaining and strengthening the Section for the present and the future.
Finally, a note on Section leaders, a couple of whom I’ve already mentioned. At the conclusion of the annual Section business meeting in August, the following officers will begin their terms in the following positions—Jason Workmaster as Section Chair, Dan Chudd as Chair-Elect, and Sheila Armstrong as Vice-Chair. The Secretary will be elected by Section membership at the annual Section business meeting in August. Membership Officer Brad Jorgenson and Budget/Finance Officer Patricia Becker will continue in their roles next year. Past Chair Jennifer Dauer will conclude her term at the officer level, after many years of outstanding service. Past Chair Annejanette Pickens and I, as Immediate Past Chair, will continue to participate at the officer level in the coming bar year.
I’ve said it previously, and I’ll say it again: all these things make me confident that the Section will continue to grow and evolve in important ways that serve its members and the procurement community at large. I’m happy to have led the effort this year and I’m looking forward to playing a supporting role in the future. I hope you will join me and be a part of it. If you’d like to become more involved in the Section, please email Section Director Patty Brennan. We welcome your participation.