Trial courts disagree over the proper forum for protests of other transaction agreements for prototypes. This article argues that when this issue is appealed, the Federal Circuit clarifies that the C…
Retroactive disallowance protected contractors from belated government cost challenges until recent board decisions wrote a premature obituary for the doctrine.
Ukraine and Georgia have become models of transparency in public procurement for the developing world, but lingering corruption and unstable security situations create obstacles to further advancemen…
This Note calls for NASA, instead of the military, to lead future federal space technology procurement and therefore maintain sustainable international space cooperation, by using the military Orbita…
Hospital services are too expensive. Hospitals accepting Medicare Advantage HMO plans should be deemed federal subcontractors. HHS should then require health insurance contractors and their hospita…
This Note discusses Intergovernmental Service Agreements (IGSA), by which the federal government procures spaces and services in implementing immigration detention.
Mid-sized companies face significant obstacles in the federal procurement system. This Note discusses how the Small Business Administration (SBA) can better support mid-sized firms and encourage grow…