Moreover, government source selection teams should also work to keep their factors distinct where they include Acceptable/Unacceptable-rated factors alongside adjectivally rated factors. This allows the source selection team to narrowly tailor the adjectival factor to discriminators without a protester being able to argue that the government should have given it credit for an approach proposed under the topics it intended to evaluate as Acceptable/Unacceptable. For example, a source selection team could structure its solicitation with two evaluation factors: General Technical Approach (Acceptable/Unacceptable) and Technical Discriminators (Adjectival). Topically, these two factors are likely to have substantial areas of overlap. Nevertheless, if the solicitation provides a clear and discrete list of SOW areas or types of tasks that it intends to evaluate adjectivally, it could gain significant focus and speed in its evaluations. Therefore, the solicitation should include a statement similar to “The Government will evaluate the merits of the offeror’s proposed technical approach in the following discrete areas on an adjectival basis, while evaluating the majority of the offeror’s proposed technical approach under the General Technical Approach Factor, which is rated on an Acceptable/Unacceptable basis,” followed by a discrete list of those areas that it wants to rate adjectivally. Keeping these two factors expressly and clearly discrete will provide clearer incentives to the offerors, simplify the evaluation, and limit the risk of double-counting or misclassification arguments.
Recommendation: Government source selection teams should set up each separately evaluated factor to consider discrete information to prevent issues from bleeding areas across multiple factors.
d. Other Technical Factor Issues
i. Limits on lowest-priced technically acceptable
Although DFARS 215.101-2-70 generally prohibits the Department of Defense (DoD) from using the lowest priced technically acceptable (LPTA) source selection criteria in most cases, having a very limited number of adjectivally rated factors is still advantageous for the government in many of the situations in which use of LPTA is prohibited. Importantly, the GAO has permitted an evaluation scheme that closely resembled LPTA in Inserso Corp. In this case, the Department of the Air Force solicitation provided that the agency would rank the five lowest price quotations and evaluate them as technically acceptable or unacceptable. For the technically acceptable quotes, the agency would rate them under past performance, which received a performance confidence assessment rating (substantial confidence, satisfactory confidence, no confidence, or unknown confidence), and then would trade-off between past performance and price, which were equally weighted. Despite the protester’s assertions that the agency used LPTA criteria by not trading off between price and technical factors, the GAO found that using a tradeoff between price and past performance as the basis of the source selection did not violate procurement law. As such, in situations where LPTA is prohibited but agencies still want the speed and simplicity of LPTA, they should consider this “LPTA-lite” approach.
Moreover, while the Air Force used past performance as its adjectivally rated factor, other government source selection teams could choose other factors to use. The critical issue in selecting a good “LPTA-lite” adjectival factor is ensuring that it is simple, easy, and straightforward to evaluate. Two other potential candidates for an LPTA-lite adjectival factor in LOE service contracting are “the degree to which proposed key personnel meet or exceed the desired attributes” or narrowly tailored sample problems that address important areas of discrimination.
Of course, using an LPTA-lite evaluation structure with a single narrowly tailored adjectival factor does result in an evaluation scheme that is heavily weighted towards the cost/price factor. Specifically, with only one adjectivally rated factor, the number of discriminating findings is likely to be small, which can make justifying paying a premium, and particularly a large one, more difficult. If this is a concern, the government source selection team can mitigate this by calibrating the relative order of importance of the adjectivally rated factor against the price factor. Even then, however, it can be hard to justify paying a $15 million premium where the only difference between the two proposals is a single key personnel strength.
Nevertheless, as Inserso shows, agencies can still pursue an evaluation approach that is similar enough to LPTA by limiting the LOE service solicitation evaluation to a single adjectivally rated factor. Overall, if appropriately tailored to the agency’s requirement, this approach can be very advantageous to award quickly, survive protest, and execute efficiently.
ii. Using sample problems
While many LOE services solicitations focus on evaluating an offeror’s demonstrated approach, capabilities, understanding, and knowledge to accomplish all of the SOW tasks, sample problem factors are an alternative (or complimentary) approach that can give evaluators clearer insight into how offerors will actually solve technical problems in performance. This can reduce technical risk and, where it replaces a broader technical factor, can decrease workload and increase the speed of the award all parties. That said, drafting strong sample problems is very fact-dependent and can be challenging.
Generally, in a sample problem evaluation factor, an agency describes a hypothetical tasking in the solicitation and directs offerors to provide an example deliverable or approach in their proposals to see if the offeror can muster a proposed solution to that hypothetical tasking in a reasonable time. Nevertheless, drafting these hypothetical taskings well can be challenging for government source selection teams, since they must simultaneously test a sufficient portion of the SOW to make a reasonable assessment of the offerors’ ability to perform the contract, while remaining straightforward enough for offerors to be able to complete the task within proposal preparation timelines.
Moreover, agencies should try to avoid using sample problems that involve tasking that it has previously paid a potential competitor (usually the incumbent) to perform under another contract, since this choice gives that offeror a substantial and potentially unfair head-start. Furthermore, sample problems should present a challenge for offerors and sufficient trade-space to allow for a variety of proposed approaches to permit offerors to differentiate themselves. Adding an easy or single-approach sample problem does not demonstrate any discrimination between proposals and is, thus, a waste of time and effort for all parties.
Furthermore, government source selection teams should consider what supporting or explanatory information they must provide to the offerors along with the sample problem to give all potential competitors a level playing field. For instance, while agencies may provide a set of hypothetical facts, it may inadvertently omit other important facts; in such situations, offerors may make different assumptions about these facts, which could result in them proposing unacceptable or irrelevant approaches. For example, if the government’s schedule is unstated, one offeror may assume one year and another six weeks; this presumption will lead to two very different responses and both may be wrong if the government really only has four weeks. As such, leaving out critical information wastes time and effort for offerors and the government. Additionally, agencies should try to be clear about the depth of analysis or detail that they expect from an offeror’s sample problem response.
Finally, government source selection teams should also consider that, in an LOE services environment, a sample problem response is not binding on the offeror. As such, offerors have strong incentives to describe the most technically beneficial approach without any cost/price constraints. In some cases, government source selection teams are tempted to also ask the offeror to cost-out its approach to the sample problem as a check on this incentive to respond with the (possibly unaffordable) technical-best. While this costing approach might provide some check on the incentive to propose a technical solution that the government cannot afford in performance, government source selection teams should actively avoid this strategy because it imposes a mini-cost-realism analysis for each sample problem alongside the cost-realism analysis for the actual contract pricing. As discussed, cost-realism analyses are complex, time-consuming, and high-risk; adding additional cost realism analyses that are not necessarily connected to actual performance or to each other greatly increases all of these issues. Instead, the government may want to consider providing the offeror a defined subset of the contract’s total hours and labor mix to expend on each sample problem. While this information increases the complexity of the evaluation somewhat, it is considerably less complex than adding one or more (potentially conflicting) cost realism analyses. Overall, the use of sample problems is very fact-specific and, while there are some potential evaluation advantages, they often require a fair amount of effort prior to releasing the solicitation to set them up effectively.
iii. Differences in evaluating past performance
Although much of the above discussion focuses on non-past-performance evaluation factors, FAR 15.304(c)(3) also requires agencies to evaluate an offeror’s past performance records in most cases. Although past performance evaluation factors can be rated adjectivally or on an Acceptable/Unacceptable basis, the mechanics of both approaches differ from those of the non-past performance factors described above.
Past performance is a measure of how well an offeror has performed on active and completed prior contract efforts. Solicitations typically ask offerors to discuss several recent prior contract efforts and to provide information about these effort to demonstrate that they are relevant evidence that the offeror can perform the work under the solicitation. In addition to the offeror’s description of these prior efforts, the government will often collect additional customer inputs about the offeror’s prior work through CPARS, through customer questionnaires, or by contacting the customer directly.
Importantly, unlike other non-cost factors, the government may not assess strengths, weaknesses, significant weaknesses, or deficiencies in past performance evaluations. Instead, solicitations generally break an offeror’s past performance evaluation into two steps: one addressing each of the individual prior contract efforts and the other addressing the cumulative past performance record for the offeror.
In the first step of a past performance evaluation, the evaluators determine whether each prior contract effort in the offeror’s proposal is 1) recent, 2) relevant (i.e., whether the submitted prior contract efforts are similar in terms of size, scope, and complexity to the effort required in the solicitation), and 3) of a certain quality (an assessment of how satisfied the customer was). In general, evaluators document these assessments of each of the prior contract efforts by assessing when the work was performed, why it was (or was not) of similar size, scope, and complexity, and what ratings the customer gave the performance (if the evaluators received customer inputs).
In the second step of the past performance evaluation, the evaluators consider how much confidence the cumulative past performance record provides the government that the offeror will successfully perform the solicitation’s work. As with other non-cost/price factors, agencies can rate this confidence assessment either adjectivally or as Acceptable/Unacceptable, but again the evaluation mechanics are different for past performance evaluations. For example, the DoD Source Selection Guide suggests the following adjectival ratings for past performance confidence: Substantial Confidence, Satisfactory Confidence, Neutral Confidence, Limited, Confidence, and No Confidence. The major difference in the past performance adjectival scheme is the inclusion of a Neutral Confidence rating for offerors without any prior contract efforts, which allows room for new entrants into the government marketplace.
As with any other evaluation factor, government source selection teams should only use an adjectivally rated factor when it is likely to provide meaningful discrimination between the offerors. Otherwise, an agency should consider using an Acceptable/Unacceptable past performance evaluation. In an Acceptable/Unacceptable past performance evaluation, the agency performs the first step as it would for any other past performance evaluation to evaluate the recency, relevancy, and quality of each of the offeror’s prior contract efforts. In the second step, however, the government is only selecting between a Satisfactory/Neutral Confidence rating and a No Confidence rating. As above, the major benefits of an Acceptable/Unacceptable past performance factor compared to an adjectivally rated past performance factor are that they require less evaluation effort (particularly in the trade-off analysis), they present lower protest risk, and they facilitate a quicker award.
Regardless of whether agencies decide on an adjectivally rated or Acceptable/Unacceptable past performance factor, there are some other differences they should keep in mind in evaluations.
Other Information: Unlike other non-past performance evaluation factors, evaluators may look beyond the four corners of the proposal to consider past performance information that the offeror has not provided; moreover, in certain situations, the evaluators must consider certain past performance information that is outside of the proposal that is “too close at hand” to ignore. This is an important aspect of planning for a past performance evaluation, and government evaluators should carefully consider what past performance information they currently have on hand to assess what information that they may be required to consider in their evaluation.
Opportunity to Respond to Adverse Past Performance: In assessing other past performance information that they have on hand, government source selection teams must also determine whether an offeror has had an opportunity to respond to any adverse past performance information the evaluators will consider. If the offeror has not had an opportunity to respond to it, evaluators must provide the offeror such an opportunity. This rule, however, has several caveats. First, it does not apply to neutral or positive past performance; the government has no obligation to communicate with the offeror about non-adverse past performance information. Second, this obligation exists even if the government does not go into discussions. Importantly, FAR 15.306(a)(2) specifically exempts communications that give an offeror an opportunity to respond to adverse past performance information from triggering discussions; this is important to keep in mind where agencies want to make award on initial proposals. Third, in many cases, offerors have already had an adequate opportunity to respond to adverse past performance information, which limits the number of situations in which it applies. For instance, when using Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) data, the CPARS process gives contractors ample opportunity to respond to adverse past performance information that the customer documents. Even if the offeror chooses not to respond, having that opportunity during the CPARS process is sufficient to avoid triggering the need to give the offeror another opportunity to respond. Overall, evaluators must carefully consider what information they have available, and the provenance of it, to assess whether they must use past performance information and whether they must give the offeror a chance to respond to that information when the evaluators intend to consider it. Regardless of how they decide these questions, the evaluators must ensure that their evaluation documentation provides sufficient contemporaneous discussion of their analysis.
Past Performance as a Potential SBA Nonresponsibility Issue: Small businesses can also present certain challenges in a past performance evaluation. Specifically, where an agency determines that a small business offeror’s past performance record provides No Confidence (under an Acceptable/Unacceptable factor), GAO could consider such a finding to be “a determination of nonresponsibility” for a small business, which requires the agency to ask the Small Business Administration (SBA) for a final determination using its certificate of competency procedures. In fact, GAO has sustained protests where an procuring agency fails to seek a determination from SBA using its certificate of competency procedures for a nonresponsibility determination. Evaluators applying a No Confidence rating under an adjectivally rated past performance factor as opposed to Acceptable/Unacceptable factor, should ensure that its past performance findings are based on responsiveness concerns or are clearly separate and distinct from analysis of the offeror’s responsibility.
Overall, past performance evaluations have some distinctive mechanics and issues that government source selection teams should carefully consider in building their evaluation schemes. Despite these methodological differences, however, many of the general strategic recommendations that apply to other non-cost/price evaluation factors are equally important in structuring a past performance evaluation factors. As such, government source selection teams should also aim to structure their past performance factors as simply, clearly, and efficiently as possible.
2. Cost/Price Evaluation Strategies
As with the non-cost evaluation factors, government source selection teams should carefully consider how broadly and deeply they want to commit to evaluating the offerors’ proposed prices. As discussed in depth in Section II.A.2, the most critical decision in this area is what contract type to use for the solicitation. In nearly all competitive situations, a fixed-price type effort will require substantially less evaluation time and effort than a cost-reimbursement effort to reach award successfully. The primary reason for this is cost-realism, which brings substantially higher litigation risk and complexities. As such, government evaluation teams should generally favor fixed-price type deals to minimize the pre-award work for all parties, to reduce the complexity of their evaluation documentation, and to improve the defensibility of their awards.
Where the government opts to use a fixed-price contract type, it only needs to conduct a price reasonableness analysis, which is a simple comparative analysis of top-line proposed prices where the government receives adequate price competition. For fixed-price-contract types, the greatest solicitation risk is accidentally triggering another type of analysis—price realism analysis—which is not required by statute or regulation and is significantly more complicated than price reasonableness analysis. For the most part, avoiding price realism involves deleting any solicitation language that requires the government to evaluate whether the offeror’s proposed price is too low to actually allow it to perform. The following section explores these concepts in more depth.
However, where a government source selection team selects a cost-reimbursement contract type, most of its strategic decisions involve intentionally limiting the scope of the cost realism analysis, which allows for a reduction in the cost realism data that the solicitation must require of offerors. These limits can include the following: limiting the subcontractor costs the government will evaluate in its cost realism analysis; setting a common escalation rate for direct labor costs; and removing Other Direct Costs from the government’s cost realism analysis. Additionally, the government source selection team must carefully scrutinize whether the solicitation asks for all of the information that the government will need to successfully conduct its cost realism analysis of those cost elements that it plans to evaluate without going into discussions.
a. Fixed-Price: Price Reasonableness and Avoiding Price Realism
Price reasonableness evaluations offer substantial benefits for quickly awarding a competitive fixed price source selection because “[n]ormally, competition establishes price reasonableness,” and, if the prices are based on adequate price competition, no additional data is needed from offerors. FAR 15.404-1(b)(2) provides various techniques to ensure a fair and reasonable price, but there is a preference for the first two, which include comparing the prices received to one another or a comparison of the prices received to historical pricing information. The benefits to a firm fixed price solicitation with a price reasonableness evaluation is that it can be accomplished quickly, it is simple, and the evaluation guards against paying too high a price for a contract.
While a price reasonableness evaluation is generally straightforward in situations in which the government receives adequate price competition, source selection teams should take care to ensure that they meet the limited requirements placed on price reasonableness analyses. In particular, agencies should avoid three major pitfalls.
First, agencies should carefully avoid asking for additional pricing information in the solicitation. In most cases, FAR 15.404-1(b)(2) permits the offerors to complete a price reasonableness analysis using only total proposed prices. Nevertheless, where an agency elects to request data from offerors to support their proposed prices, GAO has found that an agency cannot reasonably ignore additional information that it has chosen to request. As such, where an agency receives information that it requested in the solicitation, it must consider the impact of that data and document the analysis of this information. Because this additional analysis is not required, it is often a waste of time and effort for both the offerors and the government.
Second, an agency must ensure that it follows its solicitation and then contemporaneously documents its analysis. For instance, if the solicitation states the government’s total evaluated price will be based on the total price for all base requirements and options, the agency must evaluate and document all proposed periods of the contract and not just the base period. Moreover, this same principle—that agencies must diligently follow any the solicitation’s evaluation ruleset—applies to any other analyses that the agency tacks on beyond a simple comparative price reasonableness analysis. Therefore, agencies should actively avoid adding any language in fixed-price type efforts that complicates what should be a simple comparative price reasonableness analysis.
Third, the GAO has established that the mere receipt of multiple proposals does not establish fair and reasonable pricing; rather, the agency must compare the prices of the proposals received. Agencies can avoid this error through proper documentation of the agency’s analysis by simply showing a comparison of the offerors’ respective proposed prices.
Beyond these three issues that apply to all fixed-price contracts, another issue applies to FPIF contracts. Where the government source selection team opts to use an FPIF contract, it must determine whether it intends to evaluate the probable costs that the offeror will incur between the target price and the ceiling price a cost realism analysis, since there is some bounded price flexibility in FPIF contracts. In general, teams should avoid conducting a cost realism on an FPIF contract and, instead, notify all offerors in the solicitation that the government will evaluate all FPIF efforts at ceiling. This is permissible because the ceiling price for a FPIF contract will be the government’s maximum cost exposure under that contract type; as such, it will not bear the risk of cost increases beyond the ceiling price. This approach greatly simplifies the evaluation of FPIF contracts by avoiding all of the issues incumbent with a cost realism analysis.
Recommendation: Wherever possible, government source selection teams should actively pursue price evaluation schemes that are limited to a simple, comparative price reasonableness analysis that is unencumbered by additional data or unnecessarily convoluted calculations.
b. Avoiding Price Realism
Price realism is a distinct concept from price reasonableness. While price reasonableness focuses on whether an offeror’s proposed price is too high, price realism focuses on whether an offeror’s proposed price is too low to perform. Price realism is never required, yet there are several ways that poor solicitation drafting can accidentally trigger a requirement to perform unwanted price realism. Moreover, while the FAR does not use the term “price realism,” GAO frequently uses that term to describe the analysis in FAR 15.404-1(d)(3), which allows that “cost realism analysis can be used on competitive fixed-price incentive contracts or in exceptional cases, on other competitive fixed-price-type contracts.”
In general, price realism is an unwanted complication to an otherwise simple price reasonableness analysis. The FAR guidance on this analysis is scant, and the improper or inadvertent application of price realism analysis frequently leads to sustained protests at the GAO.
Nevertheless, price realism can be an important technique for certain exceptional procurements, such as instances where the agency needs to determine if an offeror was bidding so low that it jeopardizes successful performance. Nevertheless, agencies should carefully weigh the risk and benefits of requiring a price realism analysis.
i. Do not require a price realism analysis unless absolutely necessary
In the exceptional situations in which an agency intentionally decides to conduct a price realism analysis, it should clearly state that intention in the solicitation. Additionally, the agency must consider that, from an evaluation mechanics perspective, the government cannot make cost adjustments to a firm-fixed price, so it must plan for conducting a cost realism analysis that results instead in performance risk findings under the non-price factors or impacts the responsibility determination. GAO has stated that agencies can use a variety of methods to assess the price realism of an offeror’s proposal including a) analyzing pricing information proposed by the offeror; and b) comparing proposals received to one another, to previously proposed or historically paid prices, or to an independent government cost estimate (IGCE). Additionally, even if the offeror’s proposed prices are lower than the historical prices paid or the IGCE, agencies can reasonably determine that different quantities, performance conditions, or contract terms, etc. support a finding of technical competence or understanding despite the offeror’s lower prices, but agencies must document this analysis.
Recommendation: Since agencies are not required by statute or regulation to perform a price realism analysis, government source selection teams should not require a price realism analysis in their solicitations, unless absolutely necessary. In those “exceptional cases” in which an agency elects to perform a price realism analysis, the agency’s solicitation should explicitly describe conducting a price realism analysis to evaluate whether an offeror’s price is so low that it indicates increased performance risk or a technical misunderstanding. In these cases, the solicitation should also request all of the information necessary to support the agencies’ price realism analysis, which is the same information necessary to conduct a cost realism analysis, as described in Section II.C.2.b.i.
ii. Avoid inadvertently triggering a price realism analysis
On the other hand, where the government source selection team wants to avoid price realism, it should carefully scrutinize its solicitation to remove any language that may accidentally trigger a price realism analysis. Inadvertently triggering a price realism analysis is one of the biggest protest risks for fixed-price contracts; in these cases, the agency’s record almost always insufficiently documented because the agency never intended to perform a price realism analysis, and it likely lacked the detailed cost data necessary to perform such an analysis. Beyond the risk of protest loss, correcting this issue can force the agency revise its solicitation or enter into discussions to get the necessary information from the offerors.
One of the ways agencies can inadvertently trigger a requirement to perform a price realism analysis is inclusion of the Professional Employee Compensation clause (FAR 52.222-46) in the solicitation. This clause requires the government to compare the incumbent professional compensation to the proposed professional compensation because recompetition of services contracts may result in lower compensation that may impact performance. GAO has stated, “In the context of fixed-price contracts, our Office has explained that this FAR provision anticipates an evaluation of whether an awardee understands the contract requirements, and has proposed a compensation plan appropriate for those requirements—in effect, a price realism evaluation regarding an offeror’s proposed compensation.” GAO has consistently held that if FAR 52.222-46 is included in the solicitation and the government does not evaluate offeror’s proposed information, the GAO will sustain the protest. The government should aim to exclude FAR 52.222-46 from its solicitations wherever possible.
Another way the agency can inadvertently trigger a price realism analysis, without inserting a clause or specifically stating it will perform a price realism, is through the inclusion of certain terms and concepts. Generally, if the solicitation states that the agency will review prices to determine whether they are so low that they reflect a lack of technical understanding or provide that a proposal can be rejected for offering prices that are too low, the solicitation may accidentally trigger a requirement for the agency to conduct a price realism analysis. Similarly, where a solicitation states that the agency will evaluate whether “prices demonstrate a lack of comprehension of the technical requirements,” are “incompatible with the scope of effort,” are “unrealistically low,” or similar phrases, this language could lead the GAO to determine the solicitation requires the agency to conduct a price realism analysis.
Recommendation: If an agency does not have a requirement or intend to perform a price realism analysis, it should not include FAR 52.222-46 or terms that require it to determine whether proposed prices are so low that they reflect a lack of technical understanding or increased performance/technical risk, as these statements could inadvertently trigger a price realism analysis.
b. Cost-Reimbursement: Cost Realism Solicitation Strategies—Ask for What You Need and Limit What You Must Review
When government source selection teams choose to employ a cost reimbursement type contract, the FAR requires them to conduct a cost realism analysis. The reason for this requirement is that, in a cost reimbursement contract, “an offeror’s proposed estimated costs are not dispositive because, regardless of the costs proposed, the government is bound to pay the contractor its actual and allowable costs.” As a result, an agency must conduct a cost realism analysis “to guard [the agency] against unsupported claims of cost savings by determining whether the costs as proposed represent what the government realistically expects to pay for the proposed effort.”
In general, the mechanics of cost realism are easy to describe, but complex to implement. At its most basic level, a cost realism analysis compares an offeror’s proposed costs against relevant, real-world substantiating data to make judgments about the accuracy of the offeror’s proposed costs. Despite this basic rule, cost realism analyses often involve hundreds of individual cost elements spread across numerous (potentially inconsistent) prime and subcontractor pricing spreadsheets, and individual historical records.
In general, these cost elements fall into several broad buckets: direct labor costs (which builds up from of labor hours, labor mix, direct labor rates, escalation rates, and (if proposed) uncompensated overtime rates), direct material costs, other direct costs (often incidental material and travel costs), and indirect rates. In the LOE services setting, proposals may not present any direct material cost; furthermore, where the solicitation specifies total hours and a labor mix, the government need not review the proposed hours for realism, as long as they confirm the offeror bid to the solicitation’s government labor mix. Nevertheless, cost realism analyses for LOE services involve the majority of these cost elements.
Despite this complexity, the FAR provides minimal prescriptive guidance for COs in setting up and conducting a cost realism analysis. As such, it is critical for government source selection teams to carefully ensure that their solicitations ask for the huge amount of information that is required to complete a cost realism analysis successfully. Furthermore, government source selection teams should actively exercise the agency’s discretion to simplify and document an analysis that can otherwise quickly become painfully convoluted and time-consuming.
Before addressing these best practices and options to simplify a cost realism analysis, a brief overview of the basics of cost realism law and regulation will lay the groundwork for the recommendations.
The purpose of a cost realism analysis is to guard the agency against unsupported claims of cost savings because, regardless of the costs proposed, the agency is bound to pay the contractor its actual and allowable costs. The FAR defines cost realism as:
[T]he process of independently reviewing and evaluating specific elements of each offeror’s proposed cost estimate to determine whether the estimated proposed cost elements are realistic for the work to be performed; reflect a clear understanding of the requirements; and are consistent with the unique methods of performance and materials described in the offeror’s technical proposal.
To conduct a cost realism analysis, the agency considers the proposed costs and technical approach of each offeror and develops what it determines is the “best estimate of the cost of any contract that is most likely to result from the offeror’s proposal.” Many agencies refer to this as the “probable cost” or the “Total Evaluated Cost/Price.” The agency arrives at this “probable cost” by adjusting each offeror’s proposed cost (and sometimes fee) up to a realistic level for any cost elements that are not supported by reliable substantiating data. However, regardless of any adjustments the agency makes to an offeror’s proposed cost for evaluation purposes, the agency will award the contract at the offeror’s proposed cost.
The exact methodology the agency uses for a cost realism analysis can vary and should consider each offeror’s proposed approach and costs. As described above in Section II.A.2, an agency’s cost realism analysis is a frequent protest grounds before the GAO.
GAO has provided a few examples of what cost realism methodologies that agencies should avoid. For instance, GAO has indicated that it is unreasonable for an agency to limit its cost realism evaluation only to assessing fully burdened hourly rates because a cost realism analysis should consider whether the proposed direct labor rates are realistic. Additionally, an agency may not “mechanically apply its own estimates for labor hours or costs—effectively normalizing cost elements of an offeror’s proposal to government estimates without considering the offeror’s unique technical approach.” Similar to other evaluation areas, a cost realism analysis will be found unreasonable where the agency fails to contemporaneously document its assessment of the realism of the awardee’s proposed rates. Nevertheless, GAO’s guidance about what to avoid is generally not a complete guide to efficient cost realism best practices.
Additionally, the regulatory guidance on conducting a reasonable cost realism analysis is very general. Neither the FAR, the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), nor the DFARS Procedures, Guidance, and Information (PGI) provide practitioners with significant guidance about how to perform the cost realism analyses or what data to rely on. To help fill in this void, the following sections provide clear guidance and sample solicitation language about how to conduct an efficient and defensible cost realism evaluation.
i. Explicitly ask for the data necessary to complete a cost realism analysisin the solicitation
In a cost realism analysis, there are essentially two broad categories of data an offeror must provide in its proposal: proposed costs and substantiating data. In a perfect world, the offeror would support each proposed cost element with a corresponding substantiating data point that the proposal provides and clearly traces to the proposed cost. There is a wide variation in how well individual companies do in providing the required data and traceability; in fact, many are not aware of the breadth of information necessary to complete a cost realism analysis. As such, agencies should clearly identify the cost realism data that they need and exclude extraneous data that can complicate clear traceability of the data within the proposal.
With respect to proposed costs, the government should request a full cost build-up of the offerors’ proposed prices in the evaluated cost-reimbursement CLINs. Frequently, government source selection teams create a proposed cost build-up template that they include in the solicitation and require the offerors to complete. Since this Excel spreadsheet will be one of the primary methods for the government evaluators to calculate adjustments to the offerors’ proposed costs, the solicitation should explicitly require offerors to provide a spreadsheet that remains editable and functional if the individual cost elements are edited. The following is one approach to addressing this issue:
Offerors shall provide an Excel workbook that calculates its total proposed costs using the format provided in Attachment 1 [a government-developed Excel format attachment]. This spreadsheet must have all formulas visible and editable; it may not contain macros; and the spreadsheet’s calculations must comply with the Offeror’s proposed accounting and billing practices. If the proposed accounting and billing practices differ in any way from the Offeror’s current or approved practices, the Offeror must clearly note these changes.
Electronic copies of these tables shall be submitted in MS Excel format and shall have the ability to be edited (hours, rates, etc.) to immediately observe the impact to the Total Cost via links and formulas native to MS Excel (that is: not an embedded picture within MS Excel). If the Attachment 1 links to or draws information from another spreadsheet, this other spreadsheet must also be provided with all formulas visible and editable.
The cost/price data shall include all major cost elements (e.g., direct labor by category/rate/hours, fringe rate and amounts, overhead rate and amounts, G&A rate and amounts, cost of money factor/rate and amount, escalation, subcontracts, etc.) and fees.
Furthermore, the solicitation should clearly charge the offerors with linking these proposed costs to the substantiating data that they provide and the proposed technical approach. For instance, the solicitation could state:
The costs proposed in Attachment 1 shall be directly traceable to the staffing provided in the proposed Staffing Plan. Any inconsistency between the named individuals, labor categories, labor mix, time phasing, or individual hours provided in the proposed Staffing Plan and the Attachment 1 may result in a cost adjustment, an assessment of performance risk, and/or a determination that the Offeror is ineligible for award.
Furthermore, the historical direct rates included for each named individual or labor category in Attachment 1 must match the corresponding information provided in Substantiating Cost Information section. Where the Offeror must provide company-wide highest, lowest, and average direct labor rate actuals to substantiate a direct labor cost, it shall include the average direct labor rate actual for the historical rate column on Attachment 1. If any proposed direct labor rate lower than the historical rate provided, the Offeror shall explain the reason for the reduction in the narrative.
Beyond the proposed costs, the solicitation should clearly describe the substantiating data that the government needs to complete its cost realism analysis. Doing so in the solicitation gives all offerors the opportunity to provide the exact cost substantiation requested by the agency; this has several benefits. Most critically, it can avoid a situation in which the government is forced into discussions because none of the offerors provided sufficient substantiating data to survive a protest. It also reduces the likelihood that the government will have to make adjustments to an offeror’s proposed costs or identify additional cost risks for a lack of cost realism substantiating data in its proposal. Additionally, this suggested language gives all offerors a clear idea of the information the government will use to develop the offerors’ respective total evaluated costs. Nevertheless, while the agency may provide an explicit list of what cost substantiation that it requires of the offerors, the solicitation should still specify that the offeror has the burden of demonstrating the realism of its proposed costs.
The following recommended language clearly describes the substantiating data an agency needs to conduct a cost realism analysis of a typical LOE services proposal:
In its cost realism analysis, the agency desires to use the most relevant, reliable data available to capture the probable cost for each major cost element. Since each Offeror bears the burden of demonstrating the realism of its proposed costs, each Offeror must substantiate its proposed costs, as presented in its Attachment 1, with relevant, reliable data that demonstrates the realism of each proposed major cost element. The agency has already determined that certain types of information are necessary for its review, so each Offeror must provide the substantially all of the following information to be eligible for award:
(a) Current Named Individual Direct Rate Supporting Documentation: Offerors or major cost reimbursement subcontractors shall provide a screen-capture (or equivalent) from the employer’s payroll system for each current employee, Key and non-Key, named in the Offeror’s Staffing Plan. The Offeror shall fully explain all pertinent data on a sample screen capture. The Government must be able to derive the individual’s direct rate (both inclusive and exclusive of the impact of uncompensated overtime, if proposed) from the screen capture information provided by the Offeror.
(b) Contingent Hire Direct Labor Rate Supporting Documentation: Offerors or major cost reimbursement subcontractors shall clearly indicate named contingent hires, key and non-key, on its staffing plan and Attachment 1. The company intending to hire a contingent hire shall provide a signed contingent hiring agreement that explicitly lists the agreed upon annual salary for the named individual and the amount of uncompensated work required. The Offeror shall fully explain all pertinent data in the contingent hire agreement. The Government must be able to derive the individual’s direct rate (both inclusive and exclusive of the impact of uncompensated overtime, if proposed) from the contingent offer agreement information provided by the Offeror.
(c) Unnamed Direct Labor Rate Supporting Documentation: For any proposed labor category direct labor rates that are unsupported by either a screen-capture or a contingent hiring agreement, such as “To Be Determined” positions, the Offeror or its major cost reimbursement subcontractors shall provide the current, company-wide highest, lowest, and average direct labor rate actuals for the applicable labor category.
(d) Uncompensated Overtime Supporting Documentation: If any Offeror or any subcontractors (major or minor) propose uncompensated overtime, each must comply with [Uncompensated Overtime clause]. Moreover, if any Offeror or major cost reimbursement subcontractor proposes uncompensated overtime or direct labor rates decremented for the impact of uncompensated overtime, it must substantiate the cost reductions associated with its proposed use of uncompensated effort. This substantiation must include a description of the formulas applied to calculate the decremented rate (and/or decrement factor) and some form of historical data to demonstrate that the proposed level of uncompensated overtime is realistic. Such historical data might include the company’s historical average annual level of uncompensated overtime from preceding years and/or historical data demonstrating that the company’s proposed decremented rates are equal to or greater than historical actual incurred decremented direct labor rates for corresponding labor categories from preceding years, after adjusting them for annual escalation. In accordance with FAR 52.237-10 Identification of Uncompensated Overtime, if uncompensated time is included in the offer or any of the supporting cost data, the uncompensated time should be clearly identified with an explanation as to why it is needed.
(e) Indirect Rate Supporting Rate Documentation: Offerors shall provide five years of actual incurred rates for each proposed indirect and G&A pool, indicating the beginning and end dates for each fiscal year. Offerors shall provide this data for itself and shall ensure that the Government receives this information for any major cost-reimbursable subcontractors. If an offeror, or any of its subcontractors, proposes to cap any of its indirect rates, it shall identify each capped rate and shall propose a legally binding and enforceable clause capping the rates, which shall be included in the resultant task order award. The offeror’s legally binding and enforceable clause shall specifically identify the indirect rate category proposing to be capped and the associated rate category capped percentage. A proposed clause shall include a process for verification by the Government. NOTE: If a contractor does not have five years’ worth of actual incurred indirect data for any particular proposed indirect rate, it must provide the required information dating from the origin of the company.
(f) FPRA/FPRR Information: A list of all Forward Pricing Rate Agreements the Offeror or its major cost-reimbursable subcontractors have entered into with the Defense Contract Management Agency that apply to any of the major cost elements they propose or a statement that none apply to the proposal. This list should include contact information for the DCMA office that executed the agreement. Provide a current copy of any agreement contained on this list. Offerors should also provide contact information for any office that has issued an applicable Forward-Pricing Rate Recommendation for it or major cost-reimbursement subcontractors.
(g) Subcontractor Costs: Each major cost reimbursement subcontractor shall provide all of the information required of the prime contractor under the Supporting Cost Data sections of this solicitation (i.e., a complete Attachment 1, a corresponding Cost Analysis Narrative, and all necessary Substantiating Cost Information) for those portions of the work subcontracted to them. That said, subcontractors need not submit a separate Section B pricing; instead, the subcontractor costs should match the corresponding subcontract costs in the Offeror’s Attachment 1. The detailed information of subcontractors may be submitted separately to the Government if the subcontractor does not wish to provide this data to be provided to the prime Offeror. subcontractors must submit their information directly to the government via [instructions]. For cost/price summary data provided separately, subcontractors shall place the appropriate restrictive legend on their data and identify the company name, address, point of contact and solicitation number. Subcontractors are required to provide contact information for their cognizant DCAA branch office with the name and phone number of a DCAA point of contact who is familiar with their company. Failure to provide the required subcontracting data/cost may render the prime’s offer ineligible for award.
The above list of substantiating information is necessary for the agency’s cost realism analysis, but is not a complete list of the data that may be required to demonstrate the realism of the Offeror’s proposed rates. Therefore, the agency encourages Offerors to provide additional substantiating information as necessary to demonstrate the cost realism of their proposed costs. Nevertheless, as with any substantiating data, merely providing the substantiating data, without sufficient analysis and explanation of the relevance and reliability of that data in the Cost Analysis Narrative, will not demonstrate cost realism. As discussed in the solicitation, the Cost Analysis Narrative must clearly explain the reliability of all of the substantiating cost information provided and its relevance to the Offeror’s cost analysis. Providing substantiating information, without demonstrating its relevance, may indicate that the Offeror lacks an understanding of the costs involved in performing the solicitation’s requirements, which would indicate performance risks. NOTE: Offerors shall not rely on any Forward Pricing Rate Proposals or Provisional Billing Rates to provide any form of cost realism substantiation. These submissions, which lack meaningful Government realism review, are insufficient to demonstrate the realism of its proposed rates.
As shown in the recommended language above, the solicitation should also specify the potential actions that agency may take for missing substantiating cost information to clearly incentivize offerors to provide all of the required substantiating data.
For example, in AECOM Management Services Inc., the Army’s solicitation required at least one of four forms of indirect cost rate substantiation for proposed subcontractors. After receipt of proposals, the Army determined that, since the subcontractor’s proposal did not provide the solicitation defined subcontractor indirect information, the prime offeror was ineligible for award. GAO upheld this determination applying a well-established proposition of law that “[a]n offeror is responsible for submitting a well-written proposal, with adequately detailed information which clearly demonstrates compliance with the solicitation requirements and allows a meaningful review by the procuring agency.”
While finding an offeror ineligible for award based on missing information may not be the most advantageous approach in all procurements, specifying particular actions that the agency may take in response to an offeror’s failure to provide all of the necessary substantiating data is important to incentivize offerors so the agency receives the data it needs. Having all of the appropriate substantiating data results in the government identifying fewer cost risks with and making fewer adjustments to the offerors’ proposed costs. This reduces the time evaluators must spend documenting these findings and reduces the overall complexity of any cost realism protest defense.
Recommendation: Government source selection teams should ensure that their solicitations clearly require 1) a proposed cost build-up spreadsheet that evaluators can use to calculate adjustments, and 2) all of the necessary substantiating data required to support the offeror’s proposed cost elements. Moreover, the solicitation should specify that the offeror has the burden of demonstrating the realism of its proposed costs and charge offerors with ensuring traceability between the proposed costs, the substantiating data they provide, and their proposed technical approach.
ii. Explicitly limit the scope of a cost realism analysis in the solicitation
Beyond asking for the right data, agencies must define, at a high level, how they will calculate the Total Evaluated Cost/Price. This is a great opportunity for agencies to limit the scope of their cost realism analyses; such limits will save offerors and evaluators critical time and effort.
Typically, agencies specify that the Total Evaluated Cost will be the sum of all or most of the evaluated costs for each of the CLINs. In many cases, however, the solicitation includes a variety of contract types or evaluation schemes for different types of CLINs. For instance, if the solicitation includes both FFP LOE and LOE cost-reimbursement CLINs, the solicitation should specify that the Total Evaluated Cost/Price will be the sum of the FFP LOE CLINs (evaluated at the government labor mix and hours using the applicable fixed-rates) and the government’s evaluated cost resulting from its cost realism analysis for each cost-reimbursement CLIN. That said, for certain small or difficult-to-analyze CLINs, agencies should consider excluding them from the Total Evaluated Cost/Price or by using a CLIN-specific evaluation rule (such as a plug-number or evaluating FPIF CLINs at ceiling) that the agency expressly states in the solicitation. Irrespective of the combination of contract-types and CLINs, the solicitation must specify how the government intends to calculate Total Evaluated Cost/Price and should provide explicit guidance for all of the CLINs.
Agencies should also consider whether there are other opportunities within their cost-reimbursement CLINs to specifically limit what aspects of the proposal the agency will perform a detailed cost realism analysis. This will simplify and speed up the agency’s cost realism evaluation. GAO permits such tailoring as long as the government’s chosen methodology still provides a reasonable measure of confidence that the rates proposed are realistic. This tailoring does not need to include all of the proposed costs; in some cases, GAO has found that an agency’s cost realism was reasonable, despite the fact that it only evaluated eighty-six percent of the proposed hours. Furthermore, if the government specifies a particular cost realism evaluation methodology or approach in the solicitation, a protester would need to bring a timely challenge of the terms of the solicitation before solicitation close. Typically, offerors are hesitant to file a pre-award protest while they are still actively competing for the work. As such, agencies have a fair amount of flexibility in tailoring their cost realism analysis limit the scope of their cost realism analyses. Agencies should actively and aggressively pursue such limits on their cost realism analyses to save all parties time and effort, while reducing the government’s overall protest risk.
In particular, five approaches to tailoring the Government’s cost realism analysis are generally applicable to LOE service contracting. Specifically, agencies should 1) provide a mandatory escalation rate in the solicitation; 2) expressly exclude Other Direct Cost CLINs from the cost realism analysis by providing a plug number for these costs; 3) expressly exclude “minor” cost-reimbursement subcontractors from the cost realism analysis; 4) expressly exclude fixed-price or T&M subcontractors from the cost realism analysis; 5) expressly state that the Government will only make upward adjustments; and 6) use “even if” counterfactual trades in the award decision documents to limit the risk posed by complex cost realism issues.
a. Providing a mandatory escalation rate in the solicitation
One of the most common adjustments that the government makes in LOE cost realism analyses is to the offeror’s proposed escalation rate, which is the amount of salary growth that an individual may experience each year. This rate varies year to year but is generally a function of the broader labor market, as opposed to any particular action a specific company is taking. Despite this fact, many agencies permit each offeror (and its individual cost-reimbursement subcontractors) to use different escalation rates, while requiring each to provide substantiating data to support those proposed escalation rates. This company-specific escalation approach increases the information that the government must review from each company, and, in many cases, the government still adjusts all of the offerors using an industry-wide index, such as IHS Global Insight escalation rate projections where those rates are higher than the proposed rates. Because escalation applies to each direct labor rate in most or all of the contract years, it can require detailed updating of a large number of direct labor cost formulas in both the offeror’s and its subcontractors’ proposed cost build-up spreadsheets. This mandate can be a substantial undertaking for the evaluators and, given the large number of formulas implicated, is prone to error. Additionally, even if the government does make these adjustments correctly, clearly and efficiently demonstrating this fact in litigation could be challenging and time-consuming.
Instead of relying on this confusing approach to escalation rates, government source selection teams should instead rely on the fact that escalation rates are primarily driven by the broader labor market and set a mandatory escalation rate for all direct labor in the solicitation. With this approach, all offerors and subcontractors must price their efforts with the same escalation rate that the government would have likely adjusted them to in the previous approach. This reduces the data offerors must provide with their proposal, it saves substantial proposal evaluation effort, it reduces the number of adjustments (particularly for cost elements the companies have little control over), and it removes litigation issues.
The following recommended language is a good starting point for solicitation language to set a mandatory escalation rate:
Escalation: Offerors shall, at a minimum, propose the escalation rates provided in the table below:
[see PDF p. 83]
GAO has specifically upheld an application of this approach in Logistics Management Institute. In Logistics Management Institute, the solicitation instructed offerors to identify the labor escalation rate for each year, identify the source of the proposed rates, and provide a comprehensive description of the methodology and calculations used to establish the proposed rates. The solicitation specified a “minimum escalation factor of 2.75%” and put offerors “on notice that adjustments to the proposed escalation rates “may be made by the Government unless adequate justification is provided as to why the Offeror’s escalation rates are fair and reasonable.” Although the protester asserted that they substantiated the lower escalation rate, the GAO denied the argument and the protest. GAO specifically cited to the principle that “it is reasonable for an agency to adjust a proposed escalation rate where the solicitation indicated it would use a specified rate unless adequate justification for a different rate is provided.”
Recommendation: Government source selection teams should actively reduce the need for complex escalation adjustments by expressly setting the applicable escalation rate for direct labor costs in the solicitation using the language above.
b. Providing a plug number for odc clins in the solicitation
Other Direct Costs (ODCs) are another cost element that frequently appears in LOE service contracts. ODCs typically refer to costs associated with the contractor purchasing incidental materials or traveling. In most cases, these costs are a small portion of the overall effort, and many COs segregate them into cost-only CLINs to avoid paying fee on them. This is a sound strategy for contract performance and locks in a zero percent fee on these costs, but, if the solicitation remains silent on how to evaluate these CLINs, agencies may find it very difficult to provide all offerors a common basis for competition on these costs; in turn, this will make them extremely difficult to evaluate on an apples-to-apples basis.
Instead of remaining silent, government source selection teams should expressly exclude relatively small ODC CLINs from their detailed cost realism analyses. Instead, the solicitation should direct all offerors to bid a plug number that the solicitation provides for these CLINs; it should also expressly state that the government will not conduct detailed cost realism of the ODC CLINs where the offeror proposes the plug number.
The following recommended language is a good starting point for solicitation language providing a plug number for an ODC CLIN and accompanying evaluation language:
Government estimates of ODCs are provided below, which include travel and incidental material expenses only. The estimates provided below do not account for any burdens such as material handling or G&A. Each Offeror shall apply appropriate burdens in accordance with its disclosure statement. ODCs are not subject to fee.
[see PDF p 84]
The Offeror’s proposed ODCs shall be included in Section B of the offer against each appropriate ODC CLIN. The management of travel between the Offeror and any subcontractors shall be described by the Offeror within the Cost Narrative. In order for any additional expense categories to be allowed as a direct charge under the resulting Task Order, it must be identified and described by the Prime Contractor within the Cost Narrative and be reflected in the applicable CLIN. Reimbursement for Travel will be in accordance with the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) and solicitation clause B-231-H001 Travel Costs (NAVSEA) (OCT 2018).
Providing a plug number in the solicitation provides a common basis for competition even though it does not provide discrimination among offerors. The overriding value of this approach is that it allows the agency to move forward with the solicitation even though it does not know its ODC requirements before award. Although this approach does not provide any real discrimination against offerors on ODCs, agencies generally do not want their LOE support services award decisions to hinge which offeror had a bolder guess about how low the agencies ODC needs would be. In addition, although the agency does not know what ODCs are required at the time of solicitation and award, the agency can set up its contract to mitigate risk by requiring CO and/or COR’s approval or require quotes before the awardee incurs ODC costs.
Although the above recommended language is clear that the plug number includes all burdens, some government source selection teams want to provide additional competitive pressure on such burdens. One way to do that is to modify the recommended language to provide an ODC plug number for the direct costs, but to still require offerors to burdens that plug number, with the agency evaluating the burdens for realism. The advantages to this permutation are that the evaluated cost for the ODC CLINs might more accurately reflect the costs in performance and that it places increased competitive pressure on companies to limit the burdens that they propose to add to ODCs. Yet this approach requires the government to evaluate the realism of the proposed burdens. Although the government likely evaluated the proposed indirect rates in its cost realism analysis of any other cost-reimbursement CLINs, the evaluators must still ensure that the offerors’ detailed cost build-up correctly applied the burdens and carry over any indirect rate adjustments from the LOE CLINs to the ODC CLINs. This additional evaluation work and documentation generally outweighs the potential benefits of this alternative approach.
Recommendation: Government source selection teams should actively reduce the need to evaluate the realism of hard-to-justify and generally low-dollar value ODC CLINs by providing a plug number in the solicitation for all offerors to use when bidding and expressly state that the government will not conduct detailed cost realism of the ODC CLINs where the offeror proposes the plug number.
c. Excluding “minor” cost reimbursement subcontractorsfrom evaluation
Cost-reimbursement subcontractors are one of the greatest multipliers of work in a cost realism analysis because, in general, the government must treat each as an individual nested cost realism analysis within the greater cost realism analysis for the prime. Each subcontractor comes with its own direct labor rates, hours, company labor categories, indirect rates, and fee structures. Moreover, the cost-reimbursement subcontractor must also provide substantiating data for each of these cost elements, which it typically does independent of the prime proposal to keep their business-sensitive information private. Often, this results in inconsistencies and disconnects between the hours and mix that the prime proposes for the subcontractor and the hours and mix that the subcontractor proposes. In addition to this additional proposal work, the government evaluators must carefully analyze these proposed cost elements for realism and document their evaluation. As such, each additional cost-reimbursement subcontractor that the government must assess for cost realism adds substantial work. In some instances, particularly where a contractor proposes providing a number of individual consultant subject matter experts on a cost-reimbursement basis, the number of cost-reimbursement subcontractors can balloon to more than twenty per prime offer. This is a massive undertaking from a cost realism perspective and creates an extremely complex record to defend. As such, government source selection teams should work to avoid this outcome.
One of the strategies that government source selection teams should seriously consider to limit this complexity and workload is expressly excluding a subset of relatively small cost-reimbursement subcontractors from the scope of its cost realism analysis in the solicitation. Typically, agencies do this by defining a class of “major” cost-reimbursement subcontractors in the solicitation, which the government will review for cost realism, and a class of “minor” cost reimbursement subcontractors that it expressly excludes from its cost realism analysis. The following provides a good example of these types of definitions.
Major subcontractors are defined as any cost-reimbursement subcontractor performing three percent or more of the total hours under the contract; however, where otherwise minor cost-reimbursement subcontractors cumulatively perform more than ten percent of the total hours under the contract, all cost-reimbursement subcontractors are considered major subcontractors and must propose as such. All major subcontractors must also provide a complete subcontractor cost build-up spreadsheet for its portion of the effort and the same types of substantiating data required of the prime contractor in Section XX.
All subcontractors that do not meet the definition of major subcontractor above are minor subcontractors. Minor subcontractor top-line hours and proposed costs must appear in the Prime Offeror’s Attachment 1 subcontractor calculations. The hours listed there must correspond to the hours included in the Prime Offeror’s Staffing Plan. Minor subcontractors, however, are not required to submit a separate subcontractor cost build-up spreadsheet for their proposed costs or provide substantiating cost realism data.
Although there are several ways to define a “major” subcontractor, the recommended definition above has two notable features.
First, it relies on a comparison of hours, not costs, to determine which subcontractors are major. Since cost-realism analyses treat proposed costs as inherently flexible, government cost adjustments to other parts of the prime’s proposal may change the percentage of cost that a particular subcontractor represents of the overall proposal, unless the solicitation is very specific that it is using proposed costs as the basis of that “major” subcontractor definition. This can be very confusing and hard to implement. Furthermore, to confirm that a particular minor subcontractor falls below a particular dollar threshold requires direct labor rates and indirect rates, which are precisely the types of data a major/minor subcontractor distinction is trying to avoid getting from minor subcontractors. Instead, relying on a percentage of hours makes confirming whether a particular subcontractor is major or minor simple and easy, without requiring any business sensitive information from the subcontractor.
Second, the recommended definition presents a two-part test; beyond the percentage of hours, it also looks at the cumulative population of otherwise minor cost-reimbursement subcontractors to set a maximum limit on the amount of proposed costs the government is willing to exclude from its cost realism analysis. Essentially, this second part of the test prevents an offeror from proposing eight subcontractors with each performing 9.9% of the hours, which would result in the agency only evaluating cost realism substantiation for 20.8% of the hours in the proposal. This second part of the major subcontractor definition avoids some of the more egregious gaming that can occur under simpler definitions.
Beyond defining major and minor subcontractors, solicitations should also expressly describe how they will evaluate them. The following provides recommended language for subcontractor evaluations. It addresses both the evaluation of major/minor subcontractors and fixed-price/T&M subcontractors, which this article considers in the next subsection:
In Section L XX, of this solicitation, the Government defines minor subcontractors; considering the small potential cost impact of variations in minor subcontractor costs, the Navy [or applicable agency] will not conduct a cost realism analysis of any Offeror’s minor subcontractor costs. Nevertheless, the Navy will review these proposed costs and hours for consistency with the rest of the Offeror’s proposal and may adjust minor subcontractor cost or hours for lack of consistency with the rest of the Offeror’s proposal. Similarly, the Government will not conduct a cost realism analysis of any fixed price or fixed rate (e.g., Firm-Fixed Price or T&M) subcontractors, as these subcontracting arrangements do not present a meaningful cost risk in performance. The Government will evaluate any proposed Fixed-Price Incentive Fee contractors at ceiling without conducting a cost realism of those subcontract costs.
Applying this recommended evaluation language permits the government to significantly limit its cost realism analysis even before it receives any proposals. This restraint greatly reduces the work and complexity for the offerors, proposed subcontractors, and the government evaluators. It also permits a much faster and easier to defend cost realism analysis.
Recommendation: The government source selection teams should actively define a subset of “minor” cost-reimbursement subcontractors that it will exclude from its cost realism analysis. In implementing this approach, agencies should ensure that they include both a clear definition of the terms, express limits on what information is required from minor subcontractors, and provide clear evaluation language applicable to major vs. minor subcontractors.
d. Excluding fixed-price or T&M subcontractors from evaluation
Another easy way for the government source selection teams to limit the work necessary to evaluate proposed subcontractors is to expressly exclude subcontract types that are fixed or for which the government can identify a maximum government cost exposure. Most commonly, these are FFP LOE, FPIF LOE, or T&M contract types. The following provides an example of the type of Section L instruction that agencies can include in their solicitations:
Non-cost-reimbursement subcontractors may provide fixed rates or fixed prices for each contract year on the Offeror’s Attachment 1, without breaking out direct labor and burdens, but the Offeror shall explicitly note that these costs or rates are fixed by describing the subcontract type (e.g., Firm Fixed Price or Time & Material).
These types of instructions simply recognize that the government cannot make cost-realism adjustments to these subcontract contract types. Since the government cannot adjust them and, generally, does not want to conduct a price realism on these subcontract costs, the government’s solicitation should ask for very little from fixed-price or fixed-rate contracts. Moreover, even in situations in which the government could make some cost realism adjustments, such as in an FPIF contract between the target cost and the ceiling cost, the government should still consider simplifying its cost realism analysis by evaluating these subcontractors at the ceiling cost, since the government’s cost exposure will not increase above this ceiling.
As described in the previous subsection, the solicitation should also include evaluation language to explain this methodology to put all offerors on notice that the government will be using it. The recommended subcontractor evaluation language in that subsection also addresses fixed-price or fixed-rate subcontractors and evaluating FPIF subcontractors at the ceiling.
Recommendation: Government source selection teams should actively limit the information it requires from non-cost-reimbursement subcontractors. Further, the government’s solicitation should expressly exclude these subcontractors from its cost realism analysis.
e. Expressly state that the government will only make upward adjustments
It is not the government’s responsibility to correct errors in an offeror’s cost proposal. Instead, GAO is clear that it is “an offeror’s responsibility to submit a well-written proposal, with adequately detailed information which clearly demonstrates compliance with the solicitation requirements and allows a meaningful review by the procuring agency.” Furthermore, the fundamental purpose of cost realism is to determine whether a proposed cost is too low, which guards the agency against unsupported claims of cost savings. As such, the government rarely makes downward adjustments to an offeror’s proposed costs. To further limit protest arguments that the agency should have made a downward adjustment, government source selection teams should consider expressly notifying offerors that the agency will only make upward adjustments in its cost realism analysis. This aligns with the purpose of cost realism and discourages frivolous protest grounds based on errors the protester introduced into its own proposal.
The following recommended language is a good starting point for solicitation language to notify offerors that the government will only make upward adjustments:
Offerors should note that the fundamental purpose of a cost realism analysis is to guard the agency against unsupported claims of cost savings by determining whether the costs as proposed represent what the government realistically expects to pay for the proposed effort. Therefore, the government will closely evaluate whether and to what degree each Offeror’s proposed costs are unrealistically low. In a competitive environment, the government will not evaluate whether proposed cost elements are unrealistically high. It is the Offeror’s sole responsibility to demonstrate that its proposed costs are realistic because they are substantiated by actual incurred data or are fixed/capped by contract. If an offeror or major subcontractor proposes capped costs or rates, the government will incorporate these caps into the resulting contract at award.
This recommended language also provides guidance for offerors that choose to propose cost caps on their proposed costs or rates. Although this approach is somewhat uncommon, some companies employ it to limit the government’s ability to make upward adjustments to its proposed costs. Furthermore, the incorporation language permits the government to incorporate any proposed caps into the resulting contract, so that they are enforceable in performance.
RECOMMENDATION: Government source selection teams should expressly notify offerors in the solicitation that it will only make upward cost realism adjustments.
iii. Using contemporaneous “even-if” statements to limit the live protestable issues
While the other five cost realism recommendations above rely on specific solicitation language to carefully define and streamline its cost realism analysis, the final recommended cost realism strategy focuses on how to reduce protest risk in agencies’ source selection decision documents and trade-off analyses. In the right situations, using counterfactual trade-offs—which we term “even if” analyses—in the source selection decision document can greatly reduce the complexity and risk presented by complex adjustments or cost risks. While, depending on the arrangement of competitors, this approach may not even be available in every tradeoff decision, it is a powerful tool to limit the agency’s protest risk in many situations.
Invariably, in conducting a cost realism evaluation, evaluators will have to make hard judgment calls about whether to make specific adjustments or identify specific cost risks in a cost realism analysis. Sometimes, particularly complex or questionable evaluation findings involve issues that will not have any impact on the award decision when considered against the competitive distance between the disappointed offeror and the awardee. Instead of waiting to make “no prejudice” arguments in litigation that GAO will view as mere post hoc rationalization, agency source selection teams should consider including analysis in its source selection decision documents that finds that the government would award to the same awardee irrespective of the problematic finding.
For example, consider the following situation: The government is selecting between two offerors, one Marginal and one Outstanding in the only non-cost factor. The Marginal offeror proposed at $100 million and the government’s cost realism resulted in an evaluated cost of $105 million; for the Outstanding offeror, the government’s cost realism resulted in an evaluated cost of $115 million. In this case, the government had determined that it is willing to pay the $10 million premium between the evaluated costs for each offeror to capture the non-cost benefits presented by the Outstanding offeror compared to the Marginal offeror. If the government would also be willing to pay a $15 million premium for these same non-cost benefits, it should seriously consider contemporaneously including the following statement in its source selection decision document: “Moreover, even if the government had not made any cost adjustments and had not identified any cost realism risks in the Marginal offeror proposal (i.e., it had accepted all costs as proposed), the Government would still pay the premium between Marginal’s proposed cost and Outstanding’s evaluated costs to award to Outstanding based on the strength of Outstanding’s non-cost advantages.” This contemporaneous documentation would provide a powerful limit on the Marginal’s ability to challenge any of its cost adjustments or identified cost risks successfully. Furthermore, if the government can get these non-prejudicial grounds dismissed, it can focus on defending any remaining non-cost findings that actually impacted the award decision.
As this relatively simple example shows, “even if” statements can be a powerful tool to disposing of complex or confusing protest grounds. Where the competitive differences between the awardee and one or more of the other offerors are great, agency source selection teams should carefully consider what issues present the highest litigation risk and work to limit their impact through contemporaneous “even if” statements in the source selection decision document.
RECOMMENDATION: Government source selection teams should strategically assess whether contemporaneous “even if” counterfactual award decisions can moot complex litigation issues. If so, they should expressly include these counterfactual decisions in their source selection decision document.
III. Conclusion
Competitive contracting for LOE services presents agencies with numerous strategic decisions that require agencies to balance interests and make compromises. Business realities, technological change, and developments in case law impact this balancing act and require government source selection teams to exercise thoughtful and informed business judgment to make these tough calls. This article has explored a wide variety of those strategic decisions across three broad areas to identify how various competing interests can influence the agency’s approach.
In applying these recommendations to their own procurements, agencies should actively and ruthlessly remove unnecessary complexity from their procurements and insist upon clearly articulating whatever is left. Agencies that aim for simpler source selection approaches using this timeless philosophy will generally wait less time for proposals, will evaluate them faster, and will produce clearer, easier-to-defend award decisions.