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PCL Leadership Nominations & Elections

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The Section's Nominating Committee is now accepting nomination applications accompanied by statement of interests for Officer and Council leadership positions for  2024-2025. 

To qualify for election to the offices above, an individual must be a member of the Section for at least two full years.  Officers generally have been active Section members for longer. 

If you’ve been active in the Section over the years by frequently attending Council meetings and educational conferences, if you have been the chair, co-chair, or vice-chair of one or more committees and/or if you’ve been a contributor to the Section’s journal or newsletter or programs, please consider submitting your name for consideration for one of the officer or Council positions for2024-2025..  The deadline to apply is April 1, 2024

The open officer and council positions include:

  • Secretary
  • Four Council members (three-year terms ending August  2027)

More Information

Please keep in mind that Council membership is for a three-year term, during which Council members are expected to regularly comment on, participate in, and contribute to various Section matters, as well as attend Section educational conferences that precede the Council meetings.  A strong preference, therefore, will be given to those individuals who have demonstrated a history of active participation in the Section.  A strong preference will also be given to nominees for Council member positions who have not previously been elected for a three-year term to the Section Council.

If you interested in offering your leadership service to the Section, please consider enhancing your involvement as an officer, delegate, or Council member by submitting an Officer/Council Nomination Form and a Statement of Interest outlining your interest and a summary of your past and Section activities to Director Patty Brennan by April 1st.  

The following Section members have been appointed as the Nominating Committee:

  • Annejanette Pickens  Chair           
  • Hon. Mary Ellen Coster Williams - Member           
  • Michelle Coleman  – Member

The Nominating Committee will report to the Section at the Annual Business Meeting in August  2024where the Section membership will vote on the nominees.  The Committee's report will also be available on the Section website on or before June 1,  2024.