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Subject Guide

Model Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement
2001 Edition

Abatement of conditions,  Rule 26

Abstention, board members, Rule 2.F.

Adjudication in other jurisdiction, conclusiveness, Rule 22.E.

Adjudicative functions of agency, Rule 2.A., Rule 2.G.(8)

Admission to practice, jurisdiction, Rule 6.B.

Admissions to charges, conditional 21.A.

Admonitions, Rule 10.A.(5)

Advisory opinions, Rule 4.C.


  • in discipline by consent, Rule 21.D.
  • in reinstatement following suspension of six months or less, Rule 24
  • termination of probation, Rule 10.A.(3)
  • upon disbarment, suspension or transfer to disability inactive status, Rule 27.H.

Affirmations, Rule 14.A.


Alcohol, abstinence from, Rule 25.E.(3), Rule 25.I.


Alternatives to Discipline Programs, Rule 11.G.


Application for readmission or reinstatement following adverse decision, Rule 25.H.

Appeal by complainant, Rule 31

Appear, failure to, Rule 33

Appellate review functions of board, Rule 2.G.(5)

Arbitration, Rule 1.A.

Assessments, Rule 8

Audit of agency expenses, Rule 5

Availability of information, Rule 16.A.

Bank accounts, verification of, Rule 30

Bar examination,



Burden of proof, Rule 18.D.

Central intake

Chairs of hearing committees, see Hearing committee chairs

Civil litigation, see Litigation

Civil suit, immunity from, Rule 12.A.

Client Protection Fund

Client Security Fund, see Client Protection Fund


  • notice of immediate interim suspension for conviction of crime, Rule 19.F.
  • notice of immediate interim suspension for threat of harm, Rule 20.C.
  • respondent's notice to, Rule 27

Commitment, involuntary, Rule 23



Complaints against disciplinary agency members, Rule 18.K.

Compliance with disciplinary orders, Rule 25.E.(1)

Comprehensive Lawyer Regulatory System Rule 1

Conclusiveness of adjudication in other jurisdiction, Rule 22.E.

Conditions, Rule 10.B.

Conference, prehearing, Rule 18.E., Rule 18.H.(3)

Confidentiality, Rule 16.B., Rule 16.J.

Consent, discipline by, Rule 21

Continuing legal education, condition on reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.I.

Conviction of crime, Rule 19.

Costs, Rule 10.A.(7)

Counsel, respondent's notice to opposing, Rule 27

Court, authority of, Preamble, Rule 6.D. review of board's report, Rule 11.F.

Crime, conviction of, Rule 19.

Criminal litigation pending, Rule 18.G.

Criminal prosecution, immunity from, Rule 12.B.

Criteria for reinstatement and readmission, Rule 25.E.

Date of order, effective, Rule 27.E.

Date of rules, effective [end]

Death of respondent, inventory of files, Rule 28

Delay caused by complainant, Rule 18.I.


  • criteria for reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.E.(3)
  • immediate interim suspension for threat of harm, Rule 20

Disability Inactive Status

Disbarment, Rule 10.A.(1)

Disciplinary counsel

evaluations by, Rule 11.A


Discontinuance of jurisdiction in discipline by consent, Rule 21.C.

Discovery, Rule 15.

Discrimination, Preamble



Dissolution of interim suspension, motion for, Rule 20.D.


Doctor-patient privilege, waiver of, Rule 23.D.(4)

Drug abuse,

Effective date of orders, Rule 27.E.

Effective date of rules [end]

Election of board officers, Rule 2.C.

Escrow accounts, Rule 29

Evaluation of information, Rule 11.A.

Ex parte communication with disciplinary counsel, Rule 4.D.

Expenses, Rule 2.E., Rule 4.B.(14), Rule 5


Failure to answer, Rule 33.A.

Failure to appear, Rule 33.B.

Failure to comply with subpoena, Rule 9.A.

Fee arbitration, Rule 1.A.


Files, inventory of respondent's, Rule 28

Financial institutions

Formal charges, Rule 11.B.(1), Rule 11.D.

Former judges, jurisdiction, Rule 6.B

Grounds for discipline, Rule 9.A.

Harm, threat of, immediate interim suspension, Rule 20

Hearing committees

Hearing committee chairs


Honesty, criteria for reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.E.(6)

Immunity, Rule 12

Inactive status, see also Disability Inactive Status

Incapacitation of board member, Rule 2.F.

Incompetency of lawyer, Rule 23

Information, see Public Information

Inherent power, Preamble

Inquiry officers, Appendix A

Integrity, criteria for reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.E.(6)

Interim suspension,

Investigations, Rule 11.B.

Investigatory subpoenas, Rule 14.B.


Jurisdiction, Rule 6, Rule 11.A.

  • discontinuance of in discipline by consent, Rule 21.C.

Lesser misconduct,

Limitation on practice, Rule 10.A.(8)

  • condition of reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.I.


  • pending civil, Rule 18.G.
  • respondent's motion for leave to withdraw from representation, Rule 27.F.

Malpractice arbitration, Rule 1.A.

Mediation, Rule 1.A.

Medical experts, examination by, Rule 23.C., Rule 23.E.

Mental incapacity of lawyer, Rule 23

  • removal of, criteria for reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.E.(3)

Misconduct, lawyer's recognition of, Rule 25.E.

Modification of conditions of discipline, reinstatement or readmission, Rule 26

Monitoring of practice, condition on reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.I.

Motion for dissolution of interim suspension, Rule 20.D.

National Discipline Data Bank, notice to, Rule 16.I.

Nonpayment of fees,


Oaths, Rule 14.A.

Objections to reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.D.

Officers of board - election, Rule 2.C.


  • abatement or modification of conditions, Rule 26
  • discipline, effective date, Rule 27.E.

Overdraft notification by financial institutions, Rule 29

Papers, return of, Rule 27.D.

Parties, respondent's notice to, Rule 27

Petition for reinstatement, Rule 25

Physical incapacity of lawyer, Rule 23

  • removal of, criteria for reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.E.(3)

Physician-patient privilege, waiver of, Rule 23.D.(4)

Powers not assumed, Rule 6.D.

Practice assistance, Rule 1.A.

Prehearing conferences and motions, Rule 3.E.(2) and (3), Rule 18.E., Rule 18.H.(3)

Prior misconduct, information on, Rule 11.D.(5)

Private practice by disciplinary counsel, Rule 4.A.

Privilege, waiver of physician-patient, Rule 23.D.(4)

Probation, Rule 10.A.(3)

Procedure, rules of, Rule 18.B.


Prosecutorial functions of agency, Rule 2.A., Rule 2.G.(8), Rule 4.B.

Property, return of, Rule 27.D.

Protective orders, Rule 16.E.

Public information,

Public members,


Readmission, Rule 25

  • abatement or modification of conditions of, Rule 26

Receipt for registration statement, Rule 8.F.

Reciprocal discipline and disability inactive status, Rule 22

Reciprocal reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.J.



Registration statement, Rule 8.E

Rehabilitation, Rule 25.E.(3)(a)


  • abatement or modification of conditions of, Rule 26
  • following suspension of six months or less, Rule 24
  • following disbarment or suspension for more than six months, Rule 25
  • for payment of fees, Rule 8.D
  • from disability inactive status, Rule 23.E.
  • from immediate interim suspension upon reversal of conviction, automatic, Rule 19.F.
  • from inactive status, Rule 8.I

Report, board, service of, Rule 11.d.(4), Rule 11.E.

Reprimand, Rule 10.A.(4)


Representation by respondent,

Restitution, Rule 10.A.(6)

Reversal of conviction, automatic reinstatement from immediate


Roster of lawyers, Rule 7

Rules of civil procedure

Rules of evidence, Rule 18.B.

Rules of procedure, Rule 18.B

Rules of Professional Conduct - reviewed by board, Rule 2.G.


Screening, see Evaluation

"Serious crime", Rule 19.B., Rule 19.C.

  • copy of judgment to disciplinary agency of state in which lawyer is admitted, Rule 4.B.(9)

Service, Rule 11.D.(4), Rule 13

  • of copy of petition for reinstatement following disbarment or suspension for more than six months, Rule 25.C.
  • of order transferring lawyer to disability inactive status, Rule 23.A.

Standard of proof, Rule 18.C., Rule 18.H.(2)

Statistics, maintenance by disciplinary counsel, Rule 4.B.(11)

Statute of limitations, Rule 32

Stay of disciplinary proceedings, Rule 18.G.


Substance abuse counseling, Rule 1.A.

Suspension, Rule 10.A.(2)

Terms of office,

Threat of harm, immediate interim suspension, Rule 20

Time guidelines, Rule 11 Commentary

Time limitations, effect of, Rule 18.J.

Transfer to disability inactive status, Rule 23

Transcripts of proceedings,

Trust Accounts, Rule 29

Unauthorized practice of law, Rule 25.E.(2)

Universal lawyer identification number, Rule 7(l)

Verification of bank accounts, Rule 30

Volunteer counsel, Rule 4.B.(5)

Withdrawal from representation by respondent, Rule 27.F.


Written opinions, Rule 10.D., Rule 11.F.(1)

  • denying reinstatement or readmission, Rule 25.H.