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March 08, 2021

Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems 2012 - 2013

ABA Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems (S.O.L.D.)

The American Bar Association’s Center for Professional Responsibility is the only organization that collects, analyzes and compiles statistics about lawyer regulatory systems on a national basis.  This data, which is published as the ABA Survey on Lawyer Disciplinary Systems (S.O.L.D.), serves to educate the public, the profession, the news media and disciplinary agencies about enforcement, caseload and budgetary activity in each jurisdiction.  Information from the Survey has been used by disciplinary agencies to effect changes in caseload management, staffing and funding of their lawyer disciplinary systems.  As a result, it is essential that the Center maintain accurate data with respect to each jurisdiction.

If you have any questions regarding a particular jurisdiction's responses to the Survey, please contact the chief disciplinary counsel for that agency. Click here for contact information for lawyer disciplinary agencies. Numerous resources for research and statistics about lawyers and the legal profession are readily available online at Legal Profession Statistics.

Historical ABA Surveys  on Lawyer Discipline Systems (S.O.L.D.)

2012-2013 Survey Results

The ABA Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems questionnaire for 2012 and 2013 was sent to 56 lawyer disciplinary agencies. Connecticut, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York: 3rd Department, South Carolina, and West Virginia did not respond. Michigan’s Attorney Grievance Commission was unable to respond due to personnel transition. Data for California was derived from the referenced public sources at the request of the State Bar. Medians and averages are shown where potentially meaningful. In most instances, averages have been rounded to the nearest whole number.

The 2012 and 2013 Survey results consist of nine charts arranged alphabetically by jurisdiction, with explanatory footnotes designated by an “N.” Responses correspond to the questions as numbered on the questionnaire appended to the end of the document. Where exact figures were not available, estimated figures were provided and noted with an asterisk (*). The abbreviation "N/A" means that the data was not available or applicable.

The information contained in the 2012 and 2013 Survey on Lawyer Discipline Systems is not intended to constitute a comprehensive overview of each jurisdiction's lawyer disciplinary system. Where possible, footnotes have been included to address variations in the manner in which jurisdictions function and maintain statistics.

Questions regarding the Survey should be addressed to via email Theresa M. Gronkiewicz, Deputy Regulation Counsel, ABA Center for Professional Responsibility at [email protected].

The 2012 Charts on Lawyer Disciplinary Systems (S.O.L.D.)

Click here to download the complete 2012 survey

Chart I: Part A

Chart I: Part B

Lawyer Population and Agency Caseload Volume: Parts A & B

Chart II

Sanctions Imposed

Chart III

Reinstatement / Readmission Statistics

Chart IV

Caseload Statistics

Chart V

Case Processing Times

Chart VI

Budget and Sources of Funding

Chart VII

Annual Registration Dues and Fees in State Disciplinary Systems

Chart VIII: Part A

Chart VIII: Part B

Staffing of Disciplinary Counsel Offices: Parts A & B

Chart IX: Part A

Chart IX: Part B

Staffing of Adjudicative Offices: Parts A & B


The 2013 Charts on Lawyer Disciplinary Systems (S.O.L.D.)

Click here to download the complete 2013 survey

Chart I: Part A

Chart I: Part B

Lawyer Population and Agency Caseload Volume: Parts A & B

Chart II

Sanctions Imposed

Chart III

Reinstatement / Readmission Statistics

Chart IV

Caseload Statistics

Chart V

Case Processing Times

Chart VI

Budget and Sources of Funding

Chart VII

Annual Registration Dues and Fees in State Disciplinary Systems

Chart VIII: Part A

Chart VIII: Part B

Staffing of Disciplinary Counsel Offices: Parts A & B

Chart IX: Part A

Chart IX: Part B

Staffing of Adjudicative Offices: Parts A & B