ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20
The ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20 was created in 2009 to address technology and global practice changes facing U.S. lawyers.
The ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20 was created in 2009 to address technology and global practice changes facing U.S. lawyers.
On May 26-31, 2009 in Chicago, state supreme court chief justices from twenty-three jurisdictions and invited guests participated in The Future is Here: Globalization and the Regulation of the Legal Profession, sponsored by the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility, Standing Committee on Professional Discipline and the Georgetown Center for the Study of the Legal Profession.
Conference Materials | ABA/BNA Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct ArticleThe General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) applies to all trade in services, including legal services By joining the World Trade Organization in 1994, the U.S. agreed to be bound by the GATS. Activities include negotiations to further liberalize trade in legal services and the adoption of any "disciplines on domestic regulation," pursuant to GATS Article VI:4, that would apply to the regulation of the legal profession.
The ABA Section of International Law is a gateway to global expertise and the international legal community including education, networking and business development opportunities, international policies, projects and outreach.