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Judicial Code Revision Project Resources

Other Resources

ABA Resources    |    State Resources    |    ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct    |    Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges    |   

Other Judicial Ethics Resources

American Judicature Society (AJS)
AJS works to maintain the independence and integrity of the courts and increase public understanding of the justice system. A nonpartisan organization, its national membership consists of judges, lawyers and other citizens interested in the administration of justice.

AJS Center for Judicial Ethics
Clearinghouse for information about judicial ethics.

Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ)
The CCJ provides an opportunity for the highest judicial officers of the states to meet and discuss matters of importance in improving the administration of justice, rules and methods of procedure, and the organization and operation of state courts and judicial systems, and to make recommendations and bring about improvements on such matters.

Federal Judicial Center
Education and research agency for the federal courts.

Federal Judiciary Home Page
Resources on the federal judiciary provided by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the U.S. Courts.

Judicial Conference of the United States
Serves as the principal policy making body concerned with the administration of the United States Courts.
Revised Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges (effective July 1, 2009)

Judicial Education Reference, Information and Technical Transfer Project (JERITT)
JERITT is a national clearinghouse for information on continuing judicial branch education for judges and other judicial officers; administrators and managers; judicial branch educators; and other key court personnel employed in the local, state, and federal courts.

National Association of State Judicial Educators (NASJE)
NASJE is a non-profit organization that strives to improve the justice system through judicial branch education.

National Center for State Courts (NCSC)
NCSC provides information and assistance to court leaders that helps them better serve the public.

National College of Judicial Conduct and Ethics (AJS)
The National College provides a forum for judicial conduct commission members and staff, judges, and judicial educators to learn about and discuss professional standards for judges and current issues in judicial discipline

[The] National Judicial College
Judicial education and training institution.