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Selected Other Countries' "Initial Requests" to the U.S. Regarding Legal Services

Selected Other Countries' "Initial Requests" to the U.S. Regarding Legal Services

According to the Doha Declaration, WTO Member States agreed to endeavor to submit their "initial requests" by June 30, 2002. In a "request," a country asks for additional liberalization for its "outbound" lawyers. The "Initial Requests" listed below were directred to the U.S. These "requests" identify the additional liberalization of U.S. rules regulating foreign lawyers that these countries seek for their "outbound" U.S.-bound lawyers. Many countries treated these "initial requests" as confidential, government-to-government communications. Thus, few are publicly available.

Selected Other Countries' "Initial Offers" Regarding Legal Services

According to the Doha Declaration, WTO Member States agreed to endeavor to submit their "initial offers" by March 31, 2003. In an "offer," a country indicates what rules it will "offer" for foreign lawyers "inbound" to that jurisdiction. Many countries have now publicized their "Initial Offers."


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