February, 1999
The Ethcis 2000 Commission held a public hearing on February 4, 1999, in Los Angeles, California, in conjunction with the ABA Mid Year Meeting. The full text of the written testimony provided by the hearing speakers appears below.
- David Bell, State Bar of California Office of Professional Competence, Planning and Development
- Hon. Samuel L. Bufford, Los Angeles County Bar Association
- Benjamin Bycel
- Demitrious Dimitriou, Richard Flamm and Mark L. Tuft, Bar Association of San Francisco
- Phillip Feldman
- Robert J. Jossen and Robert Hill Schwartz, New York Council of Defense Lawyers
- Gerald B. Lefcourt, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Georgetown University
- Robert E. O'Malley, Attorneys' Liability Assurance Society
- George W. Overton, Chicago Bar Association
- David L. Praver, Ventura County Bar Association
- Nancy Rapoport, University of Nebraska
- Brian J. Redding, Attorneys' Liability Assurance Society
- Sean M. SeLegue and Harry B. Sondheim, State Bar of California Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct
- John Skilton, ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services