About the Award
The award recognizes and encourages young lawyers who are dedicated to lawyer professionalism. The award is supported by the Rosner and Rosner Justice Fund and administered by the Center for Professional Responsibility. The fund and award are named by donor Seth Rosner in honor and in memory of his partners, Oscar S. Rosner, his father, and Jonathan L. Rosner, his brother. The award honors young lawyer commitment to legal and judicial ethics, lawyer professionalism, client protection and professional regulation.
The award recipient receives a lifetime complimentary membership in the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility (ABA membership required), complimentary registration for the Center’s National Conference on Professional Responsibility Conference, and a complimentary one-year subscription to the web-based version of the ABA/BNA Lawyers’ Manual on Professional Conduct.
The award is presented during the National Conference on Professional Responsibility in late spring and the recipient may also be recognized during the YLD Assembly at the ABA Annual Meeting. Travel reimbursement to the National Conference will be provided.
Representatives of the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility and the ABA Young Lawyers Division serve on the selection committee.