Working Group on Model Rule of Professional Conduct 5.5 Releases Issues Paper Seeking Comments
Working Group on MRPC Rule 5.5 releases Issues Paper on cross-border practice. Learn more and read comments.
The Professional Regulation Committee is the entity in the ABA responsible for “developing, promoting, coordinating, and strengthening professional disciplinary and regulatory programs and procedures throughout the nation, including developing and promoting ABA activities relating to professional discipline, model rules for disciplinary enforcement and standards for the imposition of sanctions.”
Working Group on MRPC Rule 5.5 releases Issues Paper on cross-border practice. Learn more and read comments.
At its 2023 Annual Meeting in Denver, the ABA House of Delegates adopted Revised Resolution 100, amending Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.16(a) and Comments [1] and [2] to address a lawyer’s responsibility to inquire into and assess the facts and circumstances of a matter. Revised Resolution 100 was proposed by the ABA Standing Committee on Professional Regulation and ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility.
The ABA Standing Committee on Professional Discipline has released the results of the 2020 and 2021 Survey on Lawyer Discipline (S.O.L.D.). S.O.L.D. remains the only national compilation of data regarding lawyer disciplinary agency caseload, budget, staffing, and sanctions.
The ABA Standing Committee on Professional Regulation continues its study of Proactive Management-Based Regulation (PMBR) and its work to implement 2019 ABA Resolution 107. Generally, PMBR refers to regulatory measures that seek to help lawyers and law firms develop ethical infrastructures that will, to the extent possible, prevent misconduct and the resulting need for involvement with the lawyer disciplinary process.