To: Members of the Judiciary, Presidents of State and Local Bar Associations, Chairs of ABA Entities, Chief Disciplinary Counsel, Bar Regulators, Members of the Legal Academy, Members of the Public and other interested parties and individuals
From: Wayne J. Positan, Chair
ABA Commission on Multijurisdictional Practice
Date: June 14, 2001
Re: Comments on Multijurisdictional Practice (MJP)
The Commission has previously requested that all entities and interested individuals submit their comments or positions on the multijurisdictional practice of law by June 15, 2001 . If you or your entity plans to submit comments, but cannot make the June 15th deadline, please send an e-mail message to John Holtaway, the Commissions Counsel, at [email protected] and let the Commission know when they will be submitted. If you have not already done so, we hope you will provide us with any thoughts or positions you have by not later than the July 4th holiday
The Commissions next business meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 23, 2001 at which time the Commission will begin its deliberative process in developing a preliminary report to the ABA House of Delegates.
The Commission conducted its fifth public hearing on Friday, April 27, 2001 at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, Kansas City, Missouri. The Commission met and discussed multijurisdictional practice issues with representatives from the Missouri Bar Association, the Kansas Bar Association, and other interested individuals. The Commission also conducted a public hearing on Friday, May 18, 2001 in Atlanta. Representatives from the State Bar of Georgia and several Alabama lawyers met with the Commission. On June 1, 2001 the Commission conducted a roundtable discussion on multijurisdictional practice in Miami, FL in conjunction with the 27 th National Conference on Professional Responsibility. The transcript of the Kansas City and Atlanta public hearings, and an audio file of the June 1, 2001 roundtable discussion, will be posted on the Commission's website:
The Commission has scheduled an additional public hearing for Friday, August 3, 2001, in Chicago, Illinois (in conjunction with the 2001 ABA Annual Meeting). Additional information about the hearing will be posted on the Commission's website.
Thank you for your continued interest in our initiative.
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