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Keith D. Obert Comment on Multi-jurisdictional Practice and loosening of standards - Center for Professional Responsibility

Comment on Multi-jurisdictional Practice and loosening of standards.

I am a licensed practitioner in MS, AL and TN.  I have sat for and passed three (3) bar exams and have no problem with multi-jurisdiction practice so long as attorneys are licensed and qualified to practice in each such state.  I pay dues in three states.  I obtain CLE in three states.  After being licensed in each for more than 12 years, I still practice regularly in each state.  Keeping up with bar rules, local rules, rules of civil procedure, not to mention case and statutory law in each state, is a major endeavor. However, I do not see how one can ably serve the client in other jurisdictions without being so licensed, qualified and up-to-date on the nuances of each jurisdiction in which one practices.

All of that having been said, I strongly object to any loosening of the standards for multi-jurisdictional practice unless those practicing are licensed and qualified to practice in a given area.  We have far too many attorneys who barely qualify to practice law in one state.  I shutter to think what might happen once they begin crossing state lines to hang a shingle or put out a TV ad.  The result would be more TV ads and less qualified attorneys to practice in the Courts.

Keith D.Obert
P.O. Box 280
Brandon, MS 39043
ph. 601-825-4566
fax 601-825-4588