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White House Summit on Building Lasting Eviction Prevention Reform

The White House issued a Fact Sheet in connectionwith its Summit on Building Lasting Eviction Prevention Reform.

Deleware Permits Non-Lawyer Representation of Tenants

Delaware Supreme Court announces adoption of new Supreme Court Rule 57.1 to allow non-lawyer representation of residential tenants in eviction actions.

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COVID-19 Legal Need Checklist Helps Washingtonians in Need

The checklist is an easy-to-navigate form that will help people identify problems where they could benefit from the assistance of a lawyer, and can be utilized by members of our community who don’t have ready access to technology.

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Study Examines Variations in Local Laws, Highlights Legal Resources

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) released a research brief in January, the first step in a new, yearlong study on the eviction crisis in the United States.

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ABA Provides Ethical Guidance for Virtual and Remote Practice of Law

The American Bar Association has issued two formal opinions in response to these concerns that provide attorneys with helpful guidance in the ongoing virtual/remote legal landscape: Formal Opinion 495, Lawyers Working Remotely, issued on December 16, 2020; and Formal Opinion 498, Virtual Practice, issued on March 10, 2021.

Lawyers Working Remotely

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Michigan Evictions: Trends, Data Sources, and Neighborhood Determinants

As low-income workers lose their jobs and fall behind on rent, we anticipate an increase in eviction case filings statewide, which will stress the resources of already burdened courts and legal and social services agencies and impose great hardship on tenants. Recommendations from this report will be particularly important to consider to help reduce the number of evictions and prevent homelessness.

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Resources for Clients

Eviction Assistance Models