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CLE Credit for Pro Bono

Recruiting new and retaining existing volunteers is often the focus of pro bono programs. To encourage recruitment and retention, a number of states have  implemented rules that permit attorneys who take pro bono cases to earn credit toward mandatory CLE requirements.

Currently 20 states have adopted such rules. Although there is some variation among these states, the amount of CLE credit that lawyers are allowed to claim for pro bono service averages out to 3 hours per year. The most common rate that is used for earning such credits is 5 hours of service for each CLE credit. 


Alabama State Bar Rule for Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Rule 3.9

The MCLE Commission shall award one hour of MCLE credit for every six hours of pro bono work completed for a maximum of three MCLE credits in a 12 month period running from October 1st through September 30th.


Supreme Court Rule 45(a)(5)

One CLE credit hour for every five hours of pro bono service, capped at five credit hours per year.


Rule 4 of the Rules for Minimum Continuing Legal Education and Rule 4.04 of the Regulations of the Arkansas Continuing Legal Education Board

Attorneys can claim one hour of credit for every 3 hours of pro bono work, with a maximum of 3 hours of credit per CLE year. The work must be assigned and verified by:

  • An organization which receives funding for pro bono programs or services from the Legal Services Corporation or the Arkansas Access to Justice Foundation;
  • The Arkansas Access to Justice Commission;
  • The Arkansas Bar Association or a local bar association;
  •  Any state or federal court in Arkansas; or
  • Any other organization recognized by the Board as providing legal services to persons of limited means in Arkansas without fee or expectation of fee.


Rule of Civil Procedure 260.8

One CLE credit hour for every five hours of pro bono service, capped at nine credit hours every three years.


Rule for CLE 8(D)

One CLE credit hour for every two hours of legal services performed. Credit is limited to 20 credit hours per two-year compliance period and shall not satisfy the Ethics requirement. 


R. Regul. Fl. Bar 6-10.3

Lawyers can receive one general credit hour of continuing legal education (CLE) for every hour of pro bono service.  Lawyers may earn up to five credit hours of CLE credit through pro bono service during a three-year reporting cycle, and no CLE credit will be awarded for monetary donations.



Sup. Court Rule XXX, Rule 3, Reg 3.21

One CLE credit for every five hours of pro bono, capped at three hours of CLE credit per year.


State Board of CLE, Rule 6D

One CLE credit hour for every six hours of pro bono service, capped at six credit hours every three years

New Hampshire

53.1 NHMCLE Requirement

May claim up to three hundrend and sixty (360) general minutes of CLE credit per reporting period at the rate of sixty (60) CLE minutes for every 300 billable-equivalent minutes of pro bono representation provided to the client. CLE ethics minutes cannot be earned from pro bono service.

New York

CLE Board Regs Section 3D(11)

One CLE credit hour for every two hours of pro bono service, capped at ten CLE credits for each two year reporting period.


Supreme Court Rule 210

One hour of general credit for each three hours of uncompensated legal services, maximum of four hours annually. 

North Dakota

CLE Policy 1.19 of Section 1

One CLE credit for every six hours of pro bono service, capped at three credit hours every three years.


Sup Court Rule X, Section 5(H)

One CLE credit hour for every six hours of pro bono service, capped at six CLE credit hours every two years


Rule 5.13(b)

One CLE credit hours for every two hours or pro bono service capped at six credit hours every three years.


Pennsylvania Rules for Continuing Legal Education

Registered Pennsylvania lawyers can receive one CLE credit for every five hours of pro bono legal work completed, up to a maximum of 3 credits per year toward their annual requirement. Work is required to be completed through legal service providers accredited by the CLE Board and performed for a person of limited means or charitable organization. 


Sup Court Rule 21, Section 4.07(c)

One CLE credit hour for every five hours of pro bono service, capped at three credit hours every year.


State Court Rule 11.2(a)(4)

Six CLE credit hours awarded each year for two hours of pro bono training and four hours of pro bono service

West Virginia

Rule 6.05 (f) of the State Bar Administrative Rules

"A lawyer obtain one credit hour for every three completed hours of pro bono legal service which satisfies Rule 6.1 of the West Virginia Rules of Professional Conduct and is performed during the reporting period through one or more of the following approved pro bono organizations:

  1. Legal Aid of West Virginia;
  2. the State Bar’s West Virginia Free Legal Answers Program;
  3. the State Bar’s Tuesday Legal Connect Program; and
  4. the West Virginia University College of Law Center for Law and Public Service."

This rule goes into effect July 1, 2020. 


SCR Chapter 31.05(7)

One CLE credit for every five hours of pro bono service, capped at six credit hours per reporting period.


CLE Rule 5(d)

One CLE credit for every five hours of pro bono service, capped at three credit hours per year

Updated January 2025