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ABA Approval Process Reporting Resources

Approval Process Resources & Reporting

Approval Process Materials

  1. ABA Guidelines for the Approval of Paralegal Education Programs, Effective January 1, 2023
  2. Programs applying for ABA approval must be offered by an institution accredited by an Institutional Accrediting Agency that is acceptable to the Standing Committee
    1. List of accrediting agencies
      Interpretation on Acceptable Accrediting Agencies
  3. Fee Schedule Effective January 1, 2024
  4. Site Visit Policy

Reapproval or Interim Application Reports

In 2014 the ABA introduced the ABA Paralegal Education Program Approval Process Reporting System  for submission of all reporting forms. The Standing Committee will no longer accept any reporting forms in paper format. All applications for approval and/or reapproval, and interim report forms, are required to be submitted through the online Reporting System.  Please contact us with any questions concerning the Approval/Reapproval/Interim Report process (312-988-5757).

Once a program is approved, it is required to submit interim reports as required by the Guidelines to ensure that it continues to comply with the Guidelines. Annual fees are paid during the term of approval by all ABA approved programs. Before the end of its seven-year approval period, the institution must submit an application for reapproval if it wishes the program to retain its approved status.

Substantive Change and Reporting Forms

ABA Approved Paralegal Education Programs are required to report major changes in their programs or operations as set out in G-104.M of the ABA Guidelines for the Approval of Paralegal Education Programs (Guidelines). All of the substantive change reporting forms should be submitted electronically and are now available in the Electronic Reporting System under the Application Tab (in blue), Create, Substantive. Several of the forms require payment of a fee. Those forms continue to be specifically identified in the Electronic Reporting System and on the Fee Schedule.

Online Reporting System

The Standing Committee has implemented the ABA Paralegal Education Program Approval Process Reporting System.. All applications for approval and/or reapproval, interim report and substantive change reporting forms, are required to be submitted through the System. Paper submissions will no longer be accepted.  

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Quick Tips & Instructions

New to the System? Get started by downloading the following resources:


If you have any questions, please email us.