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The Counseling Code Set is part of the broader Uniform Task-Based Management System which also includes codes for litigation, bankruptcy and projects (including transactions and administrative filings). The Counseling Code Set provides flexibility in the Uniform Task-Based Management System. It is intended to capture time spent by attorneys in preparing and delivering general legal advice for all areas of law (e.g., tax, labor, corporate, regulatory, lobbying). The Counseling Code Set may also be used to capture time over a monthly billing period that is not otherwise attributable to a discrete matter, transaction, project or litigation. Communication between client and counsel about which code set to use at the onset of any matter is advisable.

Counseling Code Set Description

The following definitions elaborate on the intended scope of each task and should guide attorneys in coding time.

C100 Fact Gathering

This phase includes all initial inquiries, meetings and instructions and the identification and collection of information relevant to the assignment.

C200 Researching Law

This phase includes all legal research tasks, including internal meetings and consultations with those with special expertise, and computer and on-line research.

C300 Analysis and Advice

This phase includes all tasks associated with analysis of both the facts and research performed (under C100 and C200) and communicating related opinions or advice to clients. Written communication, meetings, and telephone conversations during which advice is conveyed would all be captured by this phase.

C400 Third Party Communication

This phase includes all discussions with third parties not otherwise covered above, such as communications with regulators or parties to contracts with the client.

The authors hereby grant permission to use the codes and related definitions, in whole or in part, on a non-exclusive, royalty-free basis. In addition, this document may be freely reproduced and distributed in any electronic or hardcopy medium, on a nonexclusive, royalty-free basis, provided that this reproduction and distribution are not for profit, and that this title page is included in its entirety. This document has not been approved by either the Council of the Section of Litigation, or the ABA House of Delegates, and therefore, does not constitute official Section or ABA policy.