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Diversity Leads: Building Litigation Skills through Pro Bono

Gerard Belfort, Eshigo Okasili, and Mario Robertson

Pro bono matters provide lawyers with an opportunity to give back to their communities and build fundamental litigation skills. In many instances, pro bono matters help economically disadvantaged persons facing steep hurdles with understanding the legal process for obtaining government benefits, shelter, childcare needs, and physical protection, among others. In fact, Model Rule 6.1 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that lawyers should aspire to contribute at least 50 hours of pro bono service each year.

Please join moderator Gerard Belfort (Co-chair, Minority Trial Lawyer and Associate at Ballard Spahr LLP) and panelists Eshigo Okasili (Partner, Okasili Law Firm) and Mario Robertson (Associate, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP) as they discuss how their engagement with pro bono cases has not only improved their litigation skills, but also impacted their lives.

Sponsored by the Minority Trial Lawyer and Family Law Litigation Committees