Insurance claims expert Kevin Quinley has been retained on over 130 cases and authored over 600 articles and 10 books pertaining to claims, insurance, risk management and litigation management. Below are some of his best tips for attorneys who want to ensure that their expert witness can create the best expert reports.
Leave Ample Time
Scheduling orders and the nature of the discovery process often result in an expert needing to meet extremely tight deadlines. To get ahead of those deadlines, seek to retain an expert witness as early as possible. The more time an expert has to prepare an expert report, the stronger that report will be. Quinley describes how giving an expert witness more time will benefit the attorney’s case:
I quote the Nancy Reagan anti-drug slogan, “Just Say No,” because you are faced as an expert many times with those eleventh-hour, hair on fire requests to review a couple thousand pages of documents or more, analyze them, come to some conclusions, draft, edit and proof your report, collaborate with counsel and produce a polished first-rate work product . . . . I want as long a runway as possible. . . . I like at least 30 days if not more from the date I am engaged. . . . Even then, that is aggressive . . . to allow yourself enough time so that you can do something other than microwave an opinion. We are experts. We are not short-order cooks. . . . The more time I have, and I think I speak for a lot of experts, the better job I can do for the lawyer, the law firm, and the client.
Bottom line: great expert reports require time.