Jeff Kichaven
Few challenges frustrate lawyers more than a “difficult client.” That is, a client who rebuffs your approach and advice, then turns argumentative or silent over time.
It’s the client whose calls you return at 8:55, 12:05, or 5:05, hoping to get voice mail while you still maintain the façade of responsiveness. The one whose file stares at you from the far corner of your desk, reviewed only when absolutely necessary. The one over whom you lose sleep as you rack your brain trying to figure out how to re-establish a good working relationship.
If the problems remain unaddressed, we all know things will only get worse. A bad outcome, a growing A/R, maybe even a malpractice claim, could result.
If only there were a way out.
Fortunately, there may be—in mediation.
Though it’s not widely recognized, mediation doesn’t just get cases settled. Mediation can also help mend, improve, and even cement relationships between lawyers and their most challenging clients. Here are three tips on how it works.
- Mediators are good at reminding lawyers that their difficult clients are probably not bad people. They may be good people, just behaving badly under difficult circumstances.
This distinction opens the door to curiosity and empathy for both the mediator and the lawyer. Together, we ask: What led these people to act this way? What more do we need to understand about them and their circumstances? How can we help them consider whether different behaviors might lead to better outcomes?
- Mediators are good at setting the stage for clients to reconsider their behaviors, strategies, and tactics. Lecturing and scolding rarely work.
What works better? The mediation process. Prepare—and ask the mediator to make sure the other lawyers are prepared—for a narrow, tailored opening joint session, where everyone explores the key issues keeping people apart.
Follow this with a caucus where you and the mediator candidly discuss the other side’s points and the overall strengths and weaknesses of the case. When clients observe this dialogue, all but the most bull-headed generally realize that the case is not the lead-pipe cinch they initially imagined it to be. When they come to this conclusion based on their own observations rather than as the result of force-feeding, their behavior is more likely to change.
- Mediators are newcomers to your case and your relationship with your clients. If clients remain highly emotional and “difficult,” the mediator/newcomer is in a good position to try this approach, suggested to me by Dr. Mark Goulston, an outstanding business psychiatrist.
A mediator might say to your client, “I see this situation makes you angry (or frustrated, or another emotional response).” The client will generally agree. The mediator may then ask, “What part of the situation makes you the angry the most?”
According to Goulston, the client must engage different regions of the brain—the more rational parts—to answer. Once those other parts of the brain engage, emotion and rationality are in better balance. The client is more likely to become less emotional overall, better able to make good decisions, and generally less “difficult.” Reasonable settlements often result.
While there’s no one-size-fits-all remedy for deteriorated attorney-client relationships, the mediation process and the involvement of mediators can help. Let your mediator know in advance if these are the challenges you face, and give these approaches a try. I bet you’ll be glad if you do.