Jeff Kichaven
A half-day mediation does not equal the first half of a full-day mediation. When you book a half-day, the mediator will try to get the mediation done in a half-day. Too often, that leads to shortcuts. What’s omitted could harm your chances of settling, as well as your client’s satisfaction with the process and your performance as counsel.
Client satisfaction depends on client engagement. Dissatisfied clients are those who sit like stones while lawyers sling offers and demands back and forth, seemingly untethered from the merits. Estranged and alienated from the process, these clients don’t understand why they paid more or took less than they believe they deserved. Even when they make an objectively reasonable deal, they’ll likely leave disoriented, bewildered, unhappy. That they may all leave equally unhappy is cold comfort to lawyers who depend on satisfied clients for future business.
Yet in a half-day mediation, wham-bam bargaining and documenting the deal are generally all we have time to do. Plaintiff starts sky-high, defendant starts oh-so-low. The sides grind toward each other, inch by inch, and then, maybe, with grumbling acceptance, close a deal.
This may be enough for straightforward collection matters or tort cases where liability is clear and damages are modest.
But most readers of this column handle cases more bespoke than that. For your cases, a more complete process is needed, one that generally requires a full day.
In a full-day mediation, we have time for two functions in addition to bargaining: Establishing rapport and exchanging information.
Clients participate more actively, more warmly, in these stages. They’re more likely to engage. The mediator has time to talk to you and your clients, get to know your clients and their concerns, and assure them they’re participating in a fair process where the merits matter.
The sides often have a joint session, where direct communication diffuses the demonization litigation breeds. Clients hear for themselves information that convinces them they should consider paying more or taking less—for good reason. Clients can even be more actively engaged in the bargaining. In subsequent caucuses, we have time for more comprehensive discussions of the merits, not just the formulation of strategic offers and demands.
In this mediation, you and your clients work shoulder-to-shoulder. Clients are far more likely to understand exactly what’s happening and why. That’s because they’re participating in decision-making every step of the way.
As the fortune cookie says, “You don’t have to work very hard to convince someone of the wisdom of their own ideas.” In this mediation, settlement becomes as much your clients’ idea as your own. Client satisfaction? You bet!
Don’t shortchange yourself. In cases of any complexity, book a full-day mediation.