Jeff Kichaven
Lawyers should never end a mediation.
Except, of course, when they should.
It all depends on how you define “end.” In one sense, mediations never end. If you don’t settle on mediation day, good mediators follow up and in time get the job done.
In another sense, mediations do sometimes adjourn for the day without settlement, for a variety of reasons. Fatigue. The need to do more factual or legal digging. An impasse in bargaining.
This last reason—impasse—deserves special attention. Impasse can be illusory, and there’s a real risk that a false impasse can lead you to end your mediation day prematurely. Just because bargaining is at a halt does not mean you have reached an impasse. So it’s important to ask: How can you tell whether an impasse is real?
When bargaining stalls, three safety-checks can protect you: Check with your client, check with opposing counsel, check with the mediator.
Check with your client. Clients can struggle mightily to achieve unachievable outcomes. Who can blame them? If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Still, at a certain point, clients may have to consider paying more or taking less if they want to get settlement’s benefits – the elimination of future hassle, cost and risk. If bargaining halts, and the halt lasts long enough, clients may be ready to consider new possibilities.
Check with opposing counsel. If all counsel are committed to working hard and if settlement is at all reasonably possible, a little brainstorming might help. What might the other folks do to help generate some forward progress from your client? What might you do to generate some forward progress from theirs? Be open to the possibility that dialogue might lead to new ideas.
Check with the mediator. The mediator has likely spent time in private with the other side and knows things you don’t. Take advantage of this! While mediators can’t disclose confidences, we can use our inside info to suggest options that might not occur to you. Often, your clients’ concern is that if they make a difficult concession, the move will not be reciprocated. To meet this concern, there are lots of ways mediators can generate the appearance—if not the reality—of simultaneous movement. Brackets, what-ifs, and what-would-it-takes are just some of the devices in all in our bags of tricks. Don’t give up without giving your mediator a chance to pull a rabbit out of the hat.
If you have run the safety-checks and convinced yourself that your impasse is true, don’t just leave the mediation. Set the stage for progress down the road. Remember, almost all cases settle eventually. Often, lawyers will meet with the mediator and their clients to highlight areas where there has been progress and to outline what needs to happen next to set the stage for further negotiation or mediation. After all that, it might be proper to adjourn.
But until a case is settled. or adjudicated with finality, the mediation never really ends.