The government’s petition is not the only one that is before the Court on these issues. Two related petitions were recently filed by Facebook and Charter Communications. Both companies took similar paths to the high court. Both were sued in federal court in California. Both argued that the statute’s restrictions on automated telephone equipment are content-based regulations that do not withstand strict scrutiny. And both ended up before the Ninth Circuit, which (like the Fourth Circuit) held that the federal-debt-collection exemption is a content-based regulation of speech that does not survive strict scrutiny, and (again like the Fourth Circuit) severed the exemption rather than scuttle the rest of the statute. Both then filed petitions that made similar but slightly different arguments: Whereas Charter’s petition focuses on whether the content-based restrictions can be severed, Facebook’s petition also argues that the statute is unconstitutionally overbroad because its definition of an “automatic telephone dialing system”—at least as it has been interpreted by the Ninth Circuit—is virtually limitless in scope.
Now that the statute’s constitutionality is squarely before the Court, plaintiffs and their proxies will no doubt argue in favor of its preservation, given (among other reasons) how lucrative TCPA litigation has proved for at least some segments of the plaintiffs’ bar. Callers and their allies, by contrast, will seek a broad holding of unconstitutionality and will argue (among other things) that simply striking the exemption would have the perverse effect of prohibiting more speech rather than less. They also likely will point out that the statute and its regulations are riddled with other regulations that turn on the content of the message being communicated (e.g., whether a call concerns the security of financial information, the confirmation of a delivery, the healthcare of the recipient, or the goods or services of the caller).
Because Charter’s petition was not resolved at the Court’s January conferences and that Facebook’s petition will not reach the justices’ desks in time for it to be heard this term, it seems likely that the Court will simply hold those petitions pending its decision the Barr v. AAPC case. In the meantime, the parties and their amici on both sides have almost certainly commenced work on their briefs, which will be due in the coming weeks. The case will be argued during the Court’s April sitting and will be decided by the end of June.