After the upheaval caused by the sudden transition to virtual legal practice during the COVID pandemic, many attorneys have now become accustomed to the idea of virtual legal proceedings. Oral arguments and depositions that took place in the courtroom or conference room now routinely take place from our home offices. While the pandemic is bound to end at some point and the world will reopen, the trend toward a more virtual and remote-capable legal profession is here to stay. Why not make the most of it!
Practice and preparation sessions for such virtual litigation proceedings have never been easier to set up or participate in. With a few clicks of the mouse, attorneys, witnesses, and clients from across the country can gather in a single virtual room to address an upcoming deposition, hearing, trial. or even an appellate argument. Clients who were unwilling to pay for travel (or for more than one attorney to travel) in connection with hearing preparation can now get additional prep time with outside counsel without such added expense. As a result, counsel now have increased opportunities for dry runs, or “moots,” of their upcoming proceedings. Indeed, clients may now insist on observing at least one such virtual moot to ensure their own comfort with this relatively new format.