Applicability of Opinion May Be Limited
While acknowledging that the formal opinion is a straightforward clarification of Rule 5.5, ABA Litigation Section leaders caution against relying too heavily on it. “It is important to remember that Rule 5.5 is a Model Rule,” cautions Laura K. Lin, San Francisco, CA, cochair of the Litigation Section’s Ethics & Professionalism Committee. “Lawyers still must check the rules of their licensing jurisdiction and the local jurisdiction,” Lin continues. “The formal opinion is one type of guidance, but it does not necessarily mean that you are in the clear if you practice remotely.”
It is also unclear exactly how the opinion will be interpreted after the pandemic is over, Section leaders say. “Under COVID, state bars across the country are being solicitous, kind, and tolerant of lawyers and their work situations,” explains John M. Barkett, Miami, FL, cochair of the Section’s Ethics & Professionalism Committee. “Once COVID is over, that may no longer be the case. The bigger issue here is what happens post COVID,” Barkett asserts.
Remote Practice in the Post-COVID World
Section leaders agree that how and where lawyers practice has been changed forever by the pandemic, but the extent of the change remains to be seen. “Remote practice is still ‘temporary’ even though the current ‘temporary’ has gone on longer than any of us envisioned or hoped,” notes Lin. “The opinion does not necessarily mark the start of a trend toward long-term, regular remote practice in local jurisdictions but, in retrospect, it may prove to be,” she states.
According to Lin, firms already must track the states in which their lawyers perform work for tax purposes, but soon they will also decide whether to permit remote work, ensure that their lawyers report when they plan to work from a different jurisdiction, and track changes to bar rules concerning lawyers who are not barred locally.
Barkett is convinced that these decisions will lead to longer-term policy changes. “Telecommuting is not going away,” he predicts.