Updated Statutory Interpretation Required
The Barko decision aligns with several other recent interpretations of Section 1920. For example, in CBT Flint Partners, LLC v. Return Path, Inc., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit vacated an award for more than $240,000 in e-discovery costs because some of the tasks (such as deduplication and keyword searching) were not “the 21st Century equivalent of making copies.” And in Race Tires America v. Hoosier Racing Tire Corp., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit vacated an order taxing all of one prevailing party’s e-discovery costs, which exceeded $240,000, for the same reason. For another prevailing party in the same case, it reduced the taxation from more than $125,000 to approximately $30,000, because only those costs were for tasks that “involved copying.”
Section of Litigation leaders see these cases as a signal that Section 1920 has not kept pace with technological advancements in discovery practice. “E-discovery and electronic filings [require] different processes than paper-based discovery and practices,” observes Eleni C. vanRoden, Bel Air, MD, Newsletter Subcommittee Editor of the Section’s Solo & Small Firm Committee. Marc J. Zucker, Philadelphia, PA, cochair of the Section’s Commercial & Business Litigation Committee, agrees, noting that the applicable statute has failed to bring the “policy considerations underlying taxation of costs into the 21st century.” The Barko case put the court “in the awkward position of figuring out which e-discovery functions mimic more traditional functions,” says Zucker.
Potential Effects on Settlement Negotiations and Smaller Parties
Some Section leaders believe that the taxation of e-discovery costs may affect settlement negotiations. For example, it may now make more sense for a litigant to ask an adversary to consider settlement before incurring taxable e-discovery costs, suggests Ronald J. Hedges, New York, NY, cochair of the Section’s Pretrial Practice & Discovery Committee. vanRoden agrees that e-discovery costs may play a greater role in deciding to settle and hopes decisions like Barko will “assist parties and attorneys to be more realistic about their case and the potential outcomes of it.”
But in “the heat of a lawsuit,” litigants cannot necessarily rely on these decisions to affect settlement leverage because they cannot assume they “will be a prevailing party, or that a case won’t settle, or even that an assessment of costs will be collectible at the end of the case,” Zucker adds. Hedges agrees, noting that it is “a little speculative to be concerned about what is taxable” at an early stage of litigation. Furthermore, he notes, Barko is not precedent in state court disputes, and thus has no effect on litigants in those cases.
Richard D. Rivera, Jacksonville, FL, Membership Chair of the Section’s Young Advocates Committee, identifies another potential impact. Rivera believes that decisions like Barko may put smaller or less wealthy parties at a disadvantage because it may pressure them “to go on the offensive, seeking protective orders or trying to get the larger businesses that are their adversaries to share or cover e-discovery costs,” which they might not otherwise be able to recover after litigation concludes.