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The Privacy and Data Security Committee is dedicated to helping litigators master the evolving cybersecurity and privacy landscape. Our focus includes privacy law compliance, cybersecurity incident preparation and response, and privacy and cybersecurity-related litigation issues. We will provide programs, newsletters, and other content on the latest legal and regulatory developments and emerging risks, as well as networking opportunities with leading practitioners.

Message from the Chairs

Thank you for visiting our homepage. Last year was a productive year for our committee, and we are excited to build on that momentum during the 2024–2025 bar year. It is our goal to serve our members and give them opportunities to get involved. We welcome your support and participation in the activities described below.

  • Attend Monthly Committee Calls. Join our calls and get introduced to our Committee members. We hold our monthly call the second Wednesday of every month at noon ET. Email us to receive the dial-in number/Zoom link.
  • Write a Practice Point. Write a quick update on a new decision or offer your thoughts about any issue that relates to privacy or data security. Contact us to get published on the Committee’s website or in its next newsletter.
  • Contribute to our Newsletter. The Committee is seeking to publish longer-form articles in an electronic newsletter and on our webpage. These articles contain information, analysis, and strategies for both new and experienced litigators. Contact us to discuss your article ideas.
  • Record a Sound Advice Podcast. Sound Advice podcasts are five- to fifteen-minute discussions on a variety of topics.  Contact us if you would like to record a podcast from your phone, laptop, or desktop.
  • Host a Roundtable Discussion. The Committee would be happy to present telephonic and Zoom discussions on topics of interest.
  • Develop a CLE Program. We also would like to plan and/or sponsor CLE programs or webinars. Contact us if you have a program idea that you would like to develop.

We thank you for your support of the Committee’s work and look forward to working with you this year.

Emily Westridge Black
Junaid Odubeko

Chairs, Privacy & Data Security Committee