Message from the Chairs
The Pretrial Practice and Discovery Committee is committed to providing its members practical tips and current and informative content in various areas involving pretrial practice and discovery. We recognize that our members need to keep updated on rule changes, preserving and discovering electronically stored information, objections to discovery, depositions, and motion practice. As such, we continue to add Practice Points, Sound Advice podcasts, newsletters, and other valuable content on our committee’s website.
Additionally, we plan and sponsor various CLE programs at ABA events, roundtables, and webinars that are specific to the area of pretrial practice and discovery. We encourage our members to check our website for these upcoming programs.
We offer many ways that our members can also be involved with the Pretrial Practice and Discovery Committee. Members may offer practical advice and tips to other members by contacting Jessica Barnes, Monette Davis, or Arnold Blair about writing a Practice Point, which are short blog-like, 100–750 word practical pieces of advice or tips. If you are interested in writing a longer-form article for our newsletter, please reach out to Olivia Matte or John Libby. If you have practical advice and tips but you are not interested in writing, you can submit a Sound Advice podcast by contacting Jarvarus Gresham or propose a Roundtable program by contacting one of our Co-Chairs below.
We welcome our members to participate in our monthly telephone conferences. The call is held the third Wednesday of each month at 3:30pm Eastern/12:30pm Pacific and can be accessed at:
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone one-tap: US: +13052241968,,87695977433# or +13092053325,,87695977433#
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 876 9597 7433
You can also contact any one of the co-chairs using the contact information provided below to be added to the monthly calendar invitation.
Mark Romance
Genevieve Sauter
Joseph Schaeffer
Cochairs, Pretrial Practice & Discovery Committee