Message from the Chairs
Greetings Fellow ICLC Members:
The 2024-2025 bar year is going well, with great programming already completed and more planned for the year including our Tucson conference, written content on our website, and more. We look forward to your participation and attendance. If you have a particular interest in any of the events and opportunities featured below, please reach out to any of the committee leadership and we will welcome your involvement. Please mark your calendars now and consider active participation in ICLC’s upcoming events and ongoing initiatives.
ICLC Annual Conference, March 2025
Registration is now open for ICLC’s Annual Conference to be held in Tucson, Arizona, March 5-8, 2025. An overview of the conference is available here, and registration is available here.
Over the course of four days, 20 CLE accredited programs will be offered on cutting-edge topics important to insurance professionals, litigators and practitioners, including:
- Bad faith discovery and trial;
- coverage for actions under the Genetic Information Privacy Act (GIPA);
- choice of law considerations in coverage litigation;
- liability risks and challenges in the use of artificial intelligence (AI), potential sources of coverage for those risks, and the challenge of bias arising from AI technology;
- insights into the changing first-party property space;
- control of underlying litigation and independent counsel when coverage is disputed;
- mediation in complex, multi-party cases;
- the complex interface between CGL and builders risk coverage;
- environmental social governance (ESG) and D&O risks and coverage for ESG liability;
- a view from the bench on jury trials in coverage cases.
In addition to these substantive CLE offerings, 18 different roundtable lunch opportunities will be available on Friday, March 7, offering attendees a unique opportunity for group discussion on a wide range of current insurance topics.
ICLC will continue last year’s new tradition of hosting a Saturday excursion to the sites and offerings of Tucson — this year starting with an amazing lunch of Mexican cuisine only Tucson can offer, followed by a visit to the world-renowned Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. This is in addition to the usual meeting offerings of tennis, golf, and hiking.
Thank you for the months-long planning and hard work of our Tucson Conference Committee cochairs, Christina Culver of Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons LLP, and Nicole Weinstein of Beveridge & Diamond PC, and our Tucson Conference Committee vice-chairs, Vince Morgan of Bracewell LLP and Christina Ross of Duane Morris LLP.
Please plan to join us in Tucson for this amazing opportunity for education and networking in the beautiful foothills of Southern Arizona!
ICLC Website
Be sure and follow the ever-changing content posted to the ICLC website, including substantive articles on areas of law and trends relevant to the insurance coverage practice area, as well as Practice Points offering insight and guidance in an easy to access and digest format on a wide range of topics. Make sure to check your email for Coverage, our flagship journal, for in-depth analysis of cutting-edge issues. Our website editors are Christina Arnone of Stinson LLP and Sara Schroeder of Allied Professionals Insurance Services. The editor of Coverage is Mike Levine of Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP.
Join a Subcommittee
Please consider joining one of our many subcommittees, which will be active throughout the year generating content for our newsletters, website, and seminars. That is one of many opportunities the committee provides to form deep friendships, grow our professional networks, and of course, expand our knowledge base and sharpen our skills. Whether it's contributing articles to our Coverage publication, web content, webinar and roundtable programs, social media, our CLE events, or even a book idea, we encourage each of you to share your talents. A list of the subcommittees is available at the bottom of this page.
Also, please be on the lookout for ABA Connect emails (and make sure your preferences allow you to receive emails) because we will be announcing upcoming events and other committee-related opportunities. Of course, you can also reach out to any of the committee's cochairs or co-vice-chairs if you'd like to get involved.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Our best,
Committee Cochairs
John Bonnie, Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial LLC
Seth H. Row, Stoel Rives LLP
Committee Vice Cochairs
Lindsay Rollins, Progressive Insurance
LaTosha M. Ellis, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
Tucson Seminar Cochairs
Christina Culver, Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons LLP
Nicole Weinstein, Beveridge and Diamond PC
Tucson Seminar Vice Co-Chairs
Vince Morgan, Bracewell LLP
Christine Ross, Duane Morris LLP
Coverage Journal Editor
Michael Levine, Hunton Andrews Kurth, LLP
Web Editors
Christina Arnone, Stinson LLP
Sara Schroeder, Allied Professionals Insurance Services