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The Environmental & Energy Litigation Committee is dedicated to helping its members become better environmental and energy litigators. Year after year, this committee identifies the legal issues and topics that are at the forefront of the practice and brings together lawyers, judges, consultants, and in-house counsel to teach and inform members. Its publications and social media platforms are cutting-edge, with widespread and diverse reader and participation reach, and offers members opportunities for networking, mentoring, and practice development.

Message from the Chairs

Welcome to the Environmental & Energy Litigation Committee’s home page! We are excited to provide you with valuable and timely programming, content, and information that will have a direct impact on your expertise and your practice. As environmental and energy litigators, there is a lot we can learn from each other, and even more that we can do together, and we look forward to fostering that collaboration among our members. Our committee is vibrant, diverse, and inclusive. Members include lawyers from the government, in-house, plaintiffs’ bar, and defense bar. In this message, we want to highlight a few of the great programs and resources we have in store for this 2024–2025 bar year.

The 2025 Joint Regional CLE, our flagship annual program, will proceed January 22–24 at the Viewline Resort Snowmass, in Snowmass, Colorado.  The agenda includes a diverse cross-section of topics ranging from emerging contaminants, third party litigation funding, AI and ethics, and the intersection of ESJ and EJ.  Many thanks to our planning committee and our colleagues from the Mass Torts and Products Liability Committees. CLE materials will be available on this website soon.

Every year, we also hold our Washington, D.C. Regional CLE, featuring speakers from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the Department of Justice, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Securities & Exchange Commission, an overview of Supreme Court and other appellate decisions, and varied perspectives on regulatory challenges. This program will be held in the Summer/Fall of 2025 (exact date TBD), so please monitor this website and your inbox for more details – and consider sponsorship and, of course, attending!

This year, we are also pleased to be co-sponsoring a Texas Joint Regional CLE planned for March 2025, focusing on transportation, infrastructure, and environmental justice.  This hybrid program will proceed in person in Dallas and with a virtual participation option.  In addition, we are co-sponsoring a Joint Webinar with the Corporate Counsel Committee, which will focus on ESG, expected in Spring/Summer 2025.  Finally, we are co-sponsoring SEER’s Flow Forward:  North American Water Quality Forum on May 16, 2025 at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, which focuses on North American water quality and boundary issues, including panels on EJ and the water crises in Flint, Michigan and Jackson Mississippi.

In addition to these programs, we expect to offer webinars, Roundtables, Sound Advice podcasts, articles, Practice Points, and other member benefits on both timely and practical topics that affect all of our practices. Please bookmark and check this website often to get the latest updates on all of our programming and resources. If you have an idea for an article, Practice Point, book, program, or topic, we would love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to either of us with your thoughts and ideas.

We have several subcommittees, listed below, which focus on specific practice areas and topics, and we encourage you to join and become an active participant in subcommittee activities. We know our members have valuable insights to share from their own professional experiences, and, through subcommittee involvement, you can help educate your fellow members and improve the quality of the content we provide, while also enhancing your professional development.

New members are always welcome! If you have friends or colleagues who might be interested in our Environmental & Energy Litigation Committee, please encourage them to join and get involved. We especially invite you to encourage newer, younger and more diverse lawyers and law students to become members.

We look forward to a fantastic year!

Serena Rwejuna, White & Case
Sarah Bell, Farella Braun + Martel

Cochairs, Environmental Litigation Committee


Our active subcommittees include:

  • Agricultural
  • Air/Climate Change
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Alternative Energy
  • Bankruptcy/Environmental Claims
  • Civil & Criminal Litigation Enforcement
  • CLE
  • Corporate Counsel
  • Damages And Analytic Methodologies
  • Eminent Domain
  • Experts
  • Insurance
  • Joint CLE Meeting
  • Membership And Diversity
  • Newsletter
  • Oil & Gas
  • RCRA
  • Social Media
  • Women Environmental and Energy Lawyers (SWEEL)
  • Toxic Torts
  • Trial Practice
  • Water/Sediment
  • Website
  • Young Lawyers