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Juvenile Justice Clinic, Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic

University of Maine School of Law

246 Deering Ave.
Portland, ME 04102
Telephone: (207) 780-4355
Email: [email protected]

20% Children’s Law

Does Not Use Volunteer Attorneys

This clinic began in September 2006 with a grant from a local foundation. The program is part of The Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic, in existence since 1969. Currently the program works with 10 to 15 students a year, and handles about 50 cases. Its goals include effectively educating and training the next generation of juvenile defenders, as well as serving as a resource center for practicing attorneys. Students also work with other legal aid attorneys in the street law project, which involves weekly meetings with homeless teens at The Preble Street Teen Center to provide free legal advice and resource referrals.

Aside from the clinic the law school also offers the class Juvenile Defense: Policy and Practice, and Juvenile Law. The clinic does accept calls from the public and from children seeking legal information.

Kids Legal

A project within Pine Tree Legal Assistance

P.O. Box 547
Portland, ME 04112
Telephone:  (207)774-8246 / (866)624-7787

100% Children’s Law

Does Use Volunteer Attorneys

Kids Legal, a project at Pine Tree Legal Assistance, officially launched in May 2004, with three staff attorneys and an intake assistant. Clients are referred from juvenile court, social service agencies, schools, health care professionals, other attorneys, and the children themselves. In addition to general advocacy for low-income children, including education, benefits and housing issues, Kids Legal currently includes a medical/legal collaboration with a local children’s hospital (Kids Family Advocacy Program) and a “Team Child” initiative focused on tribal children and youth. Kids Legal provides: direct representation of children and youth in civil matters (or through their parents), trainings to youth, parents, legal professionals and community providers, consultations to professionals in Maine working with low-income youth, and an annual Kidslaw Conference.