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Children’s Law Center

1002 Russell Street
Covington, KY 41011
Telephone: (859) 431-3313
Email: [email protected]

100% Children’s Law

Does Use Volunteer Attorneys

Children’s Law Center, Inc. (CLC), established in 1989, is a non-profit legal service center protecting the rights of children and youth to help them overcome barriers and transition into adulthood, better advocate for their needs, and successfully contribute to society. It provides individual legal advocacy to children and youth, and through public policy work, training and education, impact litigation, and juvenile defender support services, seeks to improve the systems that serve them. CLC offers services in both Kentucky and Ohio and collaborates with other organizations within the region and nationally on a variety of topics.

CLC works with law students from Salmon P. Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University, The University of Kentucky Law School, and The University of Cincinnati Law School on fellowships and externships. Social Work and Criminal Justice Students from Northern Kentucky University, University of Cincinnati, and Xavier University also are involved with the Center.  Pro Bono attorneys work independently, with information and back up provided by the two staff attorneys. Training and written materials are provided on an as-needed basis. CLE credit is available. CLC has brought impact litigation challenging the confinement of children in adult jails and for failure to provide counsel for children who have been committed.

Children’s Law Center Clinic

Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law
Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, KY 41099

Clinic students participate in preparing and presenting cases involving children and teenagers, such as education rights, delinquency, custody, and access to social services. Students can develop skills – including interviewing, investigating, negotiating, and litigating – that apply to many adversarial situations in addition to children’s law

Institute for Compassion and Justice

Email: [email protected]

The Institute for Compassion and Justice is a law firm devoted to building capacity for creative and sustaining legal and community based advocacy for young people and their families in Kentucky.  As advocates, they work to provide legal representation, impact policy, and share advances through education in the most critical areas impacting the well-being of Kentucky's children and young adults. 

ICJ has established a strong legal team in order to effectively represent children, families, and young adults on critical legal issues that impact children and youth in our child welfare, family, juvenile and criminal justice systems. ICJ legal representation includes school-based advocacy and securing access to critical health services including health care and housing. Successful legal advocacy for children and young adults requires partnerships with families, lawyers, youth, community advocates and other systems stakeholders. Multi-disciplinary, holistic legal representation leads to better outcomes for our children and youth. We bridge the justice gap by providing affordable legal services to low and moderate income clients. ICJ provides necessary legal representation regardless of ability to pay.

Kentucky Youth Law Project

P.O. Box 21964
Lexington, KY 40522
Telephone: 844-220-0226
Email: [email protected]

100% Children’s Law

The mission of the Kentucky Youth Law Project, Inc. (KYLP) is to enhance and protect the legal rights and entitlements of Kentucky's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, gender fluid, and gender non-conforming children and youth though free legal representation, education, and public policy advocacy.

Because up to 40% of all homeless youth self-identify as LGBTQI+, KYLP’s goal is to reduce homelessness and promote equality for LGBTQI+ youth in social welfare agencies, government services, the courts, and schools throughout Kentucky.

Legal Aid Society

416 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd., Ste. 300
Louisville, KY 40202
Telephone: (502) 584-1254 / (800) 292-1862

Does use volunteer attorneys

Each year the Legal Aid Society represents thousands of individuals or groups with incomes at or below 125 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.  Equal access to justice is the unifying theme of civil legal assistance. That concept requires a civil legal assistance system that provides equal access to the justice system without regard to a person’s economic status. Mere access to services or advice, however, is not enough. The civil legal assistance provided must offer substantive advice and advocacy that achieves fair results.

Volunteers are critical to the Legal Aid Society’s mission. With 25 staff and over 4,000 clients served each year, LAS depends on attorneys from the private bar to donate their time and talent to help restore hope and transform the lives of its clients.

LAS does advocate for special populations, including foster children.